Re: will I need to remove photoshop and other programs before installing windows 10?
Depends on which method of installation you choose. If you choose to upgrade your current OS to Windows 10, all your files and programs should remain. Doing a "clean install" will remove all of your installed programs/apps.
Which OS will you be upgrading from?
Email addresses are saved differently depending on what email service you use. For example, if you're a Hotmail, MSN, or Live email user, all your saved contacts/addresses are saved on Onedrive, and are all now under the Outlook "umbrella", which is tied to your Microsoft account.
If you're a Gmail user, your email addresses are saved with your Google account.. and so on, and so on.
Bookmarks are something else. Again, it depends on which browser these bookmarks are saved. Microsoft's new Edge browser does have an option to import bookmarks (Favorites) and mine imported fine from Internet Explorer. I can't speak for other browser's saved bookmarks though, (Chrome, Firefox) Your results may vary.