Will Nokia Lumia 930 work with At&t 4G? or just 3G?


New member
Aug 3, 2012
i'm planning to buy......i just have this concern.
i know it will not work with at&t LTE....
re: Will Nokia Lumia 930 work with At&t 4G? or just 3G?

You won't get LTE but you should get HSPA+ data, which I think can be anywhere from 5-15 Mb/s depending on where you live.
re: Will Nokia Lumia 930 work with At&t 4G? or just 3G?

Why wouldn't you get the LTE network on the 930? The published LTE bands for the 930 are 1, 3, 7, 8, 20, which are exactly the same bands that the 1520 has, which is on AT&T.

Am I missing something here?
re: Will Nokia Lumia 930 work with At&t 4G? or just 3G?

Why wouldn't you get the LTE network on the 930? The published LTE bands for the 930 are 1, 3, 7, 8, 20, which are exactly the same bands that the 1520 has, which is on AT&T.

Am I missing something here?

You may be looking at the int'l version of the 1520. There are different versions of the 1520, one for AT&T, which has AT&T bands, one for other places, one for everything, etc.

But yes, the 930 will not see 4G/LTE speeds on AT&T as of now.
re: Will Nokia Lumia 930 work with At&t 4G? or just 3G?

I guess you are right...

Nokia.com says the 1520 has the following LTE network bands: 1, 3, 7, 8, 20.

But the AT&T website says the 1520 has these: Bands 2, 4, 5, 7 and 17

Gaaah... I really wanted the 930...

Are these network bands something that's limited through hardware or firmware? Are there are tricks to re-flash the phone?

Or any rumors about a 930 equivalent for AT&T any time soon?
re: Will Nokia Lumia 930 work with At&t 4G? or just 3G?

I guess you are right...

Nokia.com says the 1520 has the following LTE network bands: 1, 3, 7, 8, 20.

But the AT&T website says the 1520 has these: Bands 2, 4, 5, 7 and 17

Gaaah... I really wanted the 930...

Are these network bands something that's limited through hardware or firmware? Are there are tricks to re-flash the phone?

Or any rumors about a 930 equivalent for AT&T any time soon?

Hardware only. I can elaborate later if you want, but otherwise nope, you can't just change bands by waving a magic software wand.

No 930 equivalent for AT&T on the horizon as stupid as it is.
Well, save for the 1520.
re: Will Nokia Lumia 930 work with At&t 4G? or just 3G?

Please elaborate if you can, I'd like to learn as much as I can before I drop a few hundreds on a phone that I can't use to its full potential...

I just got a 1520 for my wife and it's an awesome device, but I'd like something smaller for myself. The Icon or the 930 would have been perfect... I knew the Icon wouldn't work on AT&T, but I had hopes for the 930, since they called it the "international version".

These exclusive deals drive me up the walls. I already switched from Verizon to AT&T about 4 years ago, since Verizon didn't have any WP 7 devices a few months after they were introduced on AT&T. I don't understand the Microsoft/Nokia strategy either... why bother with exclusives when you're at single digits market share?

I've checked out the HTC One M8 for Windows, it's a nice device, but didn't quite sway me over... I still got my 920 in mint condition, I guess I'll just wait to see what the holiday season will bring to AT&T from the Nokia/Microsoft front. Maybe a 1030? Whatever was formerly known as McLaren? Maybe the first Windows branded phone from Microsoft? BRB, writing a letter to Santa... :-)
Worth noting the Icon will work with ATT. You wont get LTE and it may not have MMS.
Carriers in different locales and other stuff use different bands for 3G, LTE/4G, etc. Phones don't always have support for all those different bands and the int'l 930 just doesn't have the proper bands to use LTE on AT&T. It's like how many unlocked int'l or ATT phones might not get 3G on T-Mobile. T-Mo has been refarming some areas to better function with these models, but ATT isn't likely to start making nice.
With either the Icon or 930, you will get H+/3.5G/fauxG at best. (marketed as 4G in the US, 4G LTE is for actual LTE, true 4G.)

I suspect the lack of market clout means carriers can demand exclusives and other shenanigans.
I couldn't help myself and went ahead and ordered an orange Lumia 930 from Amazon, received it last night. As previously mentioned on this thread I am on AT&T and I'm not getting LTE for the data connection, but I'm getting HSPA (that's 3G I guess), which so far doesn't look like a deal breaker to me. Other than that, visual voice mail works, internet sharing works, the WiFi speeds I'm getting at home on the 5 GHz network are around 130 Mbps. This puppy is fast... I'm loving it so far...

No glance support (for hardware reasons, if I understood correctly), but dayum, the screen is nice, the pixel density makes it look crisp and beautiful.
I got mine last Saturday and I am very happy with it. I was using the iPhone 6 and I do not miss it. I was not worry about just getting 4G speed but I have found data is very spotty and useless. I am in Boston area where att signal is very good. Any suggestion on setting data. Thanks.
I hqven't seen any problems with my data connection. What app do you use to gauge the speed of your data connection? The performance of the Facebook app has been awful lately, so don't use that to judge the data connection. I get 150 Mbps on my Lumia 930 when connected to my home WiFi and still FB is awfully slow. Email, Internet Explorer and News seems to be working fine, not any worse than they were on my old 920 which had LTE data connection, at least not worse enough for me to notice and be bothered.
I hqven't seen any problems with my data connection. What app do you use to gauge the speed of your data connection? The performance of the Facebook app has been awful lately, so don't use that to judge the data connection. I get 150 Mbps on my Lumia 930 when connected to my home WiFi and still FB is awfully slow. Email, Internet Explorer and News seems to be working fine, not any worse than they were on my old 920 which had LTE data connection, at least not worse enough for me to notice and be bothered.

I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on a 930 for use on At&t also...how has your experience with yours been up to now? Thanks!
I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on a 930 for use on At&t also...how has your experience with yours been up to now? Thanks!

I'm loving it... Everything works great. Not getting the LTE speeds for cellular data, but it hasn't bothered me thus far. I'm getting the ones below that, which I think is called 3G+.
I'm loving it... Everything works great. Not getting the LTE speeds for cellular data, but it hasn't bothered me thus far. I'm getting the ones below that, which I think is called 3G+.

Also know as HSPA+, "fauxG", 4G (as many carriers market 3.5G in the US)

Through some events, my 920 is stuck on 3G and it works OK. I don't stream video though or do fancier things.

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