I like that Bethesda keeps their multiplayer and single player experiences separate. I'm a big Elder Scrolls fan, and I loved Skyrim and Oblivion, but I also love playing Elder Scrolls Online. They are fundamentally different games and experiences but that is fine. I'm glad BGS doesn't "consolidate" that experience like so many developers have done nowadays.
I'm really curious what ZOS is working on. It is supposedly a "space" MMO style game. Given that Bethesda has been pretty consistent with creating MMOs for their IPs I can't imagine them not doing an Starfield MMO. Like I said I love ESO but Starfield seems like 100x bigger and wider than Skyrim. I'm very curious to see what ZOS could do with it. I do think ZOS has done better with Elder Scrolls Online then BGS did with Fallout 76. Cautious optimism if this is true.