Will Surface Pro Docking station support multimonitors?


New member
Oct 5, 2013
Am taking a look at the previews and I only see one display port output? Am I missing something here or are additional adapters required?

Seems like a huge omission....I'm a developer and multimonitors is basically a must have for me.
Never used one of the Mini Display port to multi adapters but a quick search and I found a few also don't forget you can always use a USB 3.0 to video adapter too, I've seen 4 + monitors on a pc work fine this way.
Yes, it only has one Displayport, however, Displayport supports daisy chaining, which allows you to hook up one Displayport monitor to the Surface, and then you can hook up a second monitor to the first. The Surface would be powering both, even though only one cable would be connecting directly to the Surface. It's quite the powerful machine. :)
I was listening to Window's Weekly and Paul said the docking station will allow at "least" three monitors.
I was listening to Window's Weekly and Paul said the docking station will allow at "least" three monitors.

So the docking station allows more monitors then, eh? That's neat, damn, that sure is one powerful little machine.
Just for information's sake, the display port on the original Surface Pro does not support daisy chaining, as it's not 1.2. The SP2 is 1.2, and therefore supports it, as discussed above.
I currently use lenovo DisplayLink usb adapters to drive 3 monitors from my laptop. They don't work well for gaming, but for anything else they're just peachy!

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