Will you buy 950XL now?


New member
Oct 26, 2014
Need opinion from you guys.
The price for 950XL at my local stores are down to half of the price.
The hardware almost 1 year+ now. How well the hardware and the SD810 serve you guys? Is the Iris scanner reliable?
Should I get one? :confused:
The price of a SIM free 950XL was US$670 when it was launched here. Then couple of months ago, it dropped to by 40%, I got it without batting a eyelid. .. No regrets. The camera is darn good, and that's the main thing. All the other stuff & bugs, I could deal with as it already known by my using a 1520. LOL.... A bit of adjustment to the size, amd heat...
Battery life is slightly better...

... !!
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It is a truly amazing phone, especially if you add the leather or wood MOZO replacement shell to personalize just for you.
You have to decide what you need and what price you you are willing to pay.
If you have the stomach for the "insiders" rings, you can participate in the growth and evolving development of the OS, along with some hic-ups. If not, you can enjoy a great and amazing "moble OS" that easily accommodates your work style and can be beautiful if you are creative, or can be efficiently informative if that is your preference. You can even set it up to look like all Windows 1995 icons like the apple and google phones, if you wish or mix and match.
Lots of choices to suit you needs.
Best Wishes
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The 950 is not a bad phone, especially the camera is very good. But I found the iris scanner and hey cortana quite unreliable. And sometimes I had issues with the screen staying dark after a call. I went back to a 650 which is cheaper but I personally found more reliable.
I wouldn't really buy one now. Of course I was given one by MS so never did, but in a nutshell, here you go.

Camera is excellent.
Dual sim AND SD card available.
Very fast.
Long battery life (replaceable)
Windows 10

Here's my review. My only major complaints are the speaker and the idiotic power button placement between and too close to the volume rockers.


Sent from mTalk
If you like Windows phones just go for it. Excellent pictures, beautiful display, excellent speed and stability.

Battery life could be better, but hey this is octa-core device with 3 GB of RAM, 5.7" high resolution display, so it's not bad at all regarding such hardware. Also it supports Quick Charge so you don't need to leave it charging for several hours.

I'm very happy with my L950XL. Problems I had with L640/W10M are simply not happening on this device. Everything is running smoothly.

Good luck.
Yes - i just picked one up off of Amazon for way cheaper than the Microsoft store price (actually....they don't sell this phone in the Microsoft Store Canada anymore). This camera is awesome! Battery life is getting better as all my syncing/updating is finishing. I'm super happy with it; it just takes some time to get used to the 'cheap plastic feel' of the phone....
Ya the 808 and 810 run hot, but it is more like they heat up faster. It is hard to explain. But this combined with an octa-core drains the battery faster. Granted the IDOL 4s is more and has a newer SD 820 (quad core), but has the same size battery as the 950 and it slaughters it being able to go 2 days from 100%.

But I would buy a 950xl too to be able to tinker with and have around if I found one below 200.
Yes - i just picked one up off of Amazon for way cheaper than the Microsoft store price (actually....they don't sell this phone in the Microsoft Store Canada anymore). This camera is awesome! Battery life is getting better as all my syncing/updating is finishing. I'm super happy with it; it just takes some time to get used to the 'cheap plastic feel' of the phone....

If you can find a Mozo back, I recommend one. I really like the ones that I have.
I just bought one few weeks ago, to replace my old Lumia 1520. I am happy with my new phone.
Have you actually tried the 950XL recently? It used to run hot as MS battled problems with the software. It's at a point where it never gets hot for me. I use the original case, my guess is the mozo leather one would cause some extra heat. I also run things like asphalt extreme at max settings. It gets warm, but no way is it hot. In the past it got pretty hot no doubt.

As far the the other stuff.

It's a great phone.
My iris scanner hasn't failed me in months. However, I have done extra improve recognition steps. I also have pretty big blue eyes, not sure if that makes a diff. It's winter here though. I recall on super sunny days I had to adjust angle as the sun can block the scan. Sun interferes with IR.

This is the best time to buy. I regret buying it early on at full price. It was nothing but problems. It took them a good year to get that stuff in order and by the time it was actually a well functioning phone the price dropped significantly.

You do have the choice of a more powerful 820 version like alcatel. But honestly, my view at this point is that it doesn't matter. The OS runs smoothly. They don't release enough games/apps on our platform to require a more powerful processor. I game quite a lot and have had no problems. I would buy a cheaper phone to last you for a good year or two. Even if the surface phone or whatever comes out, I probably will wait and not jump in like i did with the 950xL. MS has too many problems with devices at launch and by the time they fix it prices drop.
Ya the 808 and 810 run hot, but it is more like they heat up faster. It is hard to explain. But this combined with an octa-core drains the battery faster. Granted the IDOL 4s is more and has a newer SD 820 (quad core), but has the same size battery as the 950 and it slaughters it being able to go 2 days from 100%.

I am very pleasantly surprised with the battery life!! I tried the IDOL 4S for 3 weeks; yes - the battery life was unbelievable, so...when i switched to the 950 XL (because of the poor Alcatel camera), i feared the worst, but no...i'm super happy with the battery life. It does seem however to be taking a bit longer to recharge than the IDOL...
I am very pleasantly surprised with the battery life!! I tried the IDOL 4S for 3 weeks; yes - the battery life was unbelievable, so...when i switched to the 950 XL (because of the poor Alcatel camera), i feared the worst, but no...i'm super happy with the battery life. It does seem however to be taking a bit longer to recharge than the IDOL...
Ya the XL with the 810 does a little better than the 950, the battery is a bit larger too.

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