Windows 10 Build 10074 broken bootloader on HP Stream 11, what could I be doing wrong?

Mathias Lindberg

New member
Sep 11, 2013
Windows 10 Build 10074 broken bootloader on HP Stream 11

I thought it would be nice to have Windows 10 on my laptop too, but the touchpad and Start menu + Search didn't work, so I thought I'd try and reset Windows 10. That failed, and now I'm completely unable to get the bootloader working. My issue is that I've tried installing Windows 10 ISO using my USB and both Microsoft's program and Rufus. The only USB I can get my HP Stream 11 to recognize, is a Windows 8.1 USB I created with Microsoft's other program that allows you to reinstall Windows 8.1 using your code, but I'm not sure I have one of those anywhere.

What could I be doing wrong?
Re: Windows 10 Build 10074 broken bootloader on HP Stream 11

did you have 10041 installed on your stream? I do but cannot get it to update beyond that. This trick will only give me 10074 as long as I have the usb memory stick inserted, right?? also are you using a memory stick or sd card? since the 10041 update my sd slot is dead..
Re: Windows 10 Build 10074 broken bootloader on HP Stream 11

What do you mean by "have the usb memory stick inserted"? I'm using a USB stick.
Re: Windows 10 Build 10074 broken bootloader on HP Stream 11

like this wont update my system, It will just be booting the newer version from the usb stick. Is that correct?
Re: Windows 10 Build 10074 broken bootloader on HP Stream 11

I had similar issue with the start menu and search but managed to get it working. All I had to do was disable the search on the task bar. After confirming it was working, I enabled the search again. Try, it may work for you as people are confirming it working for them also.

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