Windows 10 not ready for prime time WIFI is just not usable


New member
Jan 27, 2016
This December I purchased an HP laptop with windows 10 preinstalled. Its part of my network which includes 4 laptops and 2 printers and 1 very old workstation. With the exception of the new HP, all the other equipment is running on Windows 7. Some of it runs through ethertalk and some run on WIFI.
There are zero problems with WIFI and internet connections and downloads on the older units. They are all properly firewalled, including the new HP.
I find the HP with windows 10 less than impressive, as a matter of fact the words I would like to use don't belong in a forum. Use your imagination. WIFI performance in Windows 10 is wretched and incompetent. Fixes offered online don't work. The basic problem is that Microsoft is pushing a defective product out on the market. There are uncountable complaints online about the WIFI and image bluriness. Despite having a network that can push itself to one gig, the pace at which the WIFI runs on the new HP is well below that. Even my aging seven year old Toshiba satellite with its outdated 32-bit architecture runs faster in WIFI and has no issues with blurry images.
When the Windows 10 laptop is wired through ethertalk, the internet works fine. When it runs on Window 10 WIFI it is like a dial up modem. Images in Google Chrome when running on WIFI are fuzzy, and never appear to fully download. So, as a result, my brand new laptop for me at least, is a useless Lemon, a wheelchock, a bookstand, maybe soon an expensive frisbie. Trying to go on youtube is not possible, the laptop just spools endlessly.
Thanks Microsoft for continuing to be the Yugo of the operating system world (debugging-what? I can't hear you). You should have stuck to windows 7. We can discuss it, the real thing I want to see is a viable fix from microsoft and not endless instructions about "settings." Let's get this serious problem fixed NOW.
and that prob is truly related to w10 *only* ? so when you install ANY OTHER OS on that very same laptop WIFI works fine and when you roll back to w10 its like in the old days with a 56k modem? or is it more like that specific machine with that particular OS that was more or less occidental preinstalled is performing bad? maybe its just that particular machine and would produce the same results on win7 and even UX? so maybe you should whine more in direction of HP than MSFT? I haven't experienced such WIFI-conditions in many different setups of w10 machines...? Although as a dev I am all to well aware of many bugs within w10, no question, but at last w10/WIFI never ever was a prob.
Wifi never a problem on my laptop ar all (a somewhat cheap Acer on W10). Perhaps the OP hasn't found out the cause of his dilemma yet
Many people (including me) are using Windows 10 on multiple devices with no WiFi issues whatsoever. Which means that whatever problems you are experiencing are not inherent in Windows 10, and they do not mean that Windows 10 is not ready for primetime.

For better or worse, many laptop manufacturers (like HP) use highly customized hardware, which bring opportunities for driver problems. If you're struggling with WiFi on your HP, it may simply be that HP or their network card manufacturer has not produced a reliable driver for their hardware that works with Windows 10. That's an HP problem, not a Microsoft problem. You should do some Googling to see if other owners of your specific laptop have experienced the same problem and found a solution.
I'd start with HP personally. I have nothing but problems with them at work, horrible bugged laptops. It's nothing to do with the OS, all the work laptops are windows 7 and they have WiFi issues, particularly when moving the laptop about.
Try usb 3.0 WiFi adapter as a test....

My 2010 laptops wifi card works on 10, but my audio card is not great on 10. It can be hit and miss.
No issues with wifi and win 10 here. Then again, I have a Lenovo and Microsoft SP 4. Perhaps the issue is with HP. :)
No Wi-Fi problems on my Surface (release version), HP laptop (preview 10), or Lumia 640 (preview).
Your topic says it's not ready for prime time. I don't think an issue isolated to just you constitutes it's not ready for everyone else :p
Just gave my parents my Lenovo X200T with windows 10 public, tablet mode on. Everything they need is on the screen in full :) WIFI worked fine immediately after the start new install method.
Have you found the newest available WiFi drivers? Search for HP, and also the manufacturer of the WiFi card. It sounds like you may have a bad driver...or perhaps a stable driver hasn't been yet made available.
I am running Windows 10 Pro on a Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i7 - the works. I have zero wifi issues. I came across some software that did allow me to tweak my internet / wifi adapter settings and Windows 10 did pick up the pace a little after applying such tweaks. Check out Yamicasoft Windows 10 Manager. This awesome software allows to you to tweak just about every aspect of Windows 10 - but be warned - if you don't know what you are doing, read first, save your previous settings so that you can of course go back to them in the event you run into issues.
I'm having no issues on 3 laptops Acer, Alienware and a Surface Book. Not sure what typpe of card is used by SB but the other 2 use Intel Wireless 802.11n and 802.11AC cards. I never had to search for drivers as it worked from the start. The Acer I switched out the wireless card when I was running Windows 7.
I have had no problems with WIFI on 10 PRO. Both of my HP laptops and my two surfaces all run 10. One of the HPs was born with XP and was tricked into loading 10. I consider 10 to be an excellent upgrade for PCs. The same is not true for mobile.
"Some of it runs through ethertalk and some run on WIFI" - two entirely different things. WiFi is a medium, Ethertalk is a component of AppleTalk which is a protocol. Ethernet is what I imagine you are trying to grasp the word for, and a wired network connection is what I think you really meant (whilst trying to sound clever).
Forgot to add that my Lenovo Helix 1st gen, w10pro upgrade from 8.1, didn't refresh, pure upgrade, works fine on WiFi

I was intending to refresh it but it was so surprisingly smooth an upgrade that I just left it

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