Windows 10 overheating HP laptop


New member
Jul 30, 2015
I have tried everything in the book. I first did an update from Windows 7, it heated up my laptop that it shut off by itself. Some person told me to do a clean reformat and install Windows 10 that way. I did, with no programs installed, it still overheats. I do not know what to do anymore! I love how Windows 10 looks, but it sucks to say that I might have to go back to Windows 7. Some way to fix the problem will be great (If there is a way).
The installation process is a lot of work and Its still doing a lot post-installation, and I would also start looking at hardware fixes if its overheating.

Perhaps compressed air can help unclog fans if they're full of dust, make sure the laptop is not stuffed under a pillow, etc. (whats the model)
I am having a Pavilion G series laptop which came preinstalled with windows 7. Yes, after upgrading to windows 10, my lappie is overheating. When i go through the Task Manager, i find that the CPU usage is very high, and some apps like Edge is taking a lot of RAM.

I have installed the latest AMD Graphics, so thats not the issue.

Don't know if there is something wrong brtween Wind10 and HP laptop.

Anyone having any solution.
Its most likely a driver issue, so if HP does not release Windows 10 compatible drivers for you model you are probably screwed and have to go to Windows 7.
Based on HP's track record of no driver support I would not hold my breath for any help from HP.
I am also still stuck on Win7 on my Pavilion dv7 because HP refused to release new drivers for their switchable Intel/AMD HD 6770M gpu, and generic drivers broke the whole thing.
Well HP is not known for their efficient cooling :) they always had problems with overheating. Some workarounds are drilling holes into the plastic cover at the bottom :O
Well HP is not known for their efficient cooling :) they always had problems with overheating. Some workarounds are drilling holes into the plastic cover at the bottom :O

My sister had a Pavilion dv2000.

house on fire.gif

Well, I fixed the fried processor and applied preventative measures to the other chip likely to phail, but it still died two months later.

rip in pieces

always thought it was odd how disproportionately sized the output and intake vents seemed to be.
Same thing happened to me twice already, even with a cooling pad on underneath. The time it takes for it just to restore Windows 8.1 is unbearable.

Really wish Microsoft had QA'd the upgrade better under various conditions. Unless they just don't give a **** about people using HP laptops (which I'm sure are a lot of us).
Hi, I have overcome high CPU use on an HPG60 214 EM I upgraded from 8.1pro.

1. Launch task manager and see what's using your CPU.
You may well find 50% CPU use - Windows Defender and sthg called 'appmodel'
If so:
Windows Defender - you can turn it off temporarily but in Win 10 it'll be back! E.g. after restart. So you can get a reg file to fix that or use group policy. (tenforums have a post).
appmodel: if this is a problem, launch regedit and go to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\tiledatamodelsvc and delete (or modify) %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k wspackagemanager


You may find you have to reinstall your security solution- that should disable Windows Defender.

Graphics. I found the mouse sticky and the desktop about 125% horizontally.
Device Manager showed a basic MS driver installed, not Nvidia.
After about 4 hrs, automatic update installed the Nvidia driver.

CPU and mouse now normal.

If other things are using your CPU time, please post. Good luck.
... oh, I don't think you'll like the flat format of Win 10 after Win 7- the title bars are white by default, and background vs foreground windows are not differentiated so very confusing when they overlap. One or two system windows have no differentiation between the body and the title bar area at all.

There are ways to colour the title bar; strongly recommend this.

Also noted dropped shadows seem to be- well dropped. There is an option in the advanced settings menu for dropped shadows, but it achieves nothing. I suppose you could call that a bit of a drop-off.
Same problem here. Temperature reaching 200 degrees on a Pavilion g6.
I uninstalled my antivirus and closed almost all programs. I made sure all my drivers were up to date. I cleaned my fan. I'm even using a laptop fan cooler. Nothing will do, the fan constantly runs like hell and it looks like the thing will catch on fire anytime.

So I went back to Windows 7 and the temperature stays under 120 degrees, even under heavy usage. So I guess I have no choice but wait until Microsoft fixes this bug....
This is a major PIA - Even the server room was not cool enough to upgrade Win10 pro without overheating - almost like the install is getting improper drivers causing the heat.. Like the BIOS needs a blast setting for fan speed... ha I guess there is always Winter months coming to install outside... I joke, but this is frustrating....
I have observed the same problem. My HP Laptop was overheating after upgrading to Windows 10. I used Task Manager to see which applications are over using the processor. I found three processes related to "Intel Management Engine Components" using 53% of the CPU. Usually my CPU usage is 4%! I simply un-installed the above application and my CPU usage is back to 4% and the PC cooled down.
this is a problem with hp laptops and their crappy cooling solutions, I have a envy m6 amd and its a PITA whenever it starts using more than 40% cpu, I'm seriously considering replacing the thermal paste or changing the APU entirely, and they surely are ******** or something, why instead of throttling the cpu they just force shutdown the pc? I dream of the day I meet the genius that approved that as a "solution" and chock him/her to death
Im having the same issue and it literally started the day of or day after the upgrade and on top of that my Xbox 360 started doing it as well though Im not sure if its a win 10 thing but its odd that both worked fine before and Ive changed nothing other than the upgrade
I got alienware m17 and it does the same thing, its a problem of +2?C that starts when im playing and works for the malfunctioning of my pc
Try going into the Notifications control panel (All Settings --> System --> Notifications & Actions.

Turn off 'Show me tips about Windows', you may need to restart you machine before you see any effect.

This works perfectly for me, but unfortunately does not seem to persist through a restart or hibernate and need to be re-done each time.

Cannot believe Microsoft have not fixed this yet.

Mine feels like it close to melting! I certainly don't need to put the heating on, just put the laptop in the room and its hot in no time at all.

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