Windows 10 S is blocking Linux


New member
Dec 22, 2014
excerpts :

If Windows 10 S will only allow apps that can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store, it can run the new downloadable Linux apps, right? Wrong!

Here's why: Microsoft is actively blocking "command-line" apps that run outside the safe environment of Windows 10 S, Microsoft senior program manager Rich Turner wrote in a blog post on Thursday.

And it's not just Linux. Examples of other low-level apps that won't run under Windows 10 S include the Windows Console, Cmd/PowerShell, or Linux/Bash/WSL instances.

Sources :
By Mark Hachman
Senior Editor, PCWorld |
May 19, 2017 12:06 PM PT
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But this doesn't affect actual Linux installs like the title implies, correct?
But this doesn't affect actual Linux installs like the title implies, correct?

I was sort of hopeful for Windows 10 S when Microsoft made a shocking announcement at Build 2017 that it is bringing Linux distributions to the Windows Store. This gave the impression that students using the S variant of the OS would be able to tinker with Linux. Unfortunately, this is not the case as Microsoft will be blocking Linux on the new OS. In other words, not all apps in the store will be available for Windows 10 S.

"Windows 10 S does not run command-line applications, nor the Windows Console, Cmd / PowerShell, or Linux/Bash/WSL instances since command-line apps run outside the safe environment that protects Windows 10 S from malicious / misbehaving software," says Rich Turner, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft.
To be honest I don't think that's an issue. Take a look at the very definition of Windows 10 S, it is definitely not for programmers and administrators who may need to use these features. It's targeted for home users and students, it's unlikely that they would need any of this.

And IT students will always work with Pro versions anyway.

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