It's time to grade the next iteration of Windows.
It's official: Windows 11 is finally here. It spent months in the Insider preview space, being tested by eager Windows enthusiasts and critics alike. Many people enjoyed aspects of it, such as its refreshed Windows apps, while an equally vocal portion of people complained about parts of the new OS, such as its controversial Start menu which our very own senior editor Jez Corden outright hates.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
It's official: Windows 11 is finally here. It spent months in the Insider preview space, being tested by eager Windows enthusiasts and critics alike. Many people enjoyed aspects of it, such as its refreshed Windows apps, while an equally vocal portion of people complained about parts of the new OS, such as its controversial Start menu which our very own senior editor Jez Corden outright hates.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...