Windows 11 Start menu will soon show upcoming Microsoft Teams meetings, but only for certain customers

It's perfectly fine to have a seamlessly integrated meeting reminder on the OS be it the start menu or notification tray. I don't think they are "pushy".

There was a time I saw articles berating MS for not making most of its services, hiding them away, and people not knowing about the good features of Windows or Office Suite.
Now we have suddenly switched tack and berate them if they mention what else you can do with their suite of services in their OS.

Seems the mindset of power users has changed over the years. It's a more cautious, prickly, cynical type that sometimes leans more toward the status quo.
I wouldn't consider this "pushy". Pushy is pushing ads/icons for services you don't have already and don't need (*cough* COPILOT). Integration for apps you already have is great and there needs to be more of it. This implementation of putting the teams meeting as a bland item in the 'Recommended' section makes it useless, they should put it as a small banner or something instead so people can actually notice it, because I'm sure most people right now ignore that section all together which is why there's so much feedback to bring an option to disable it.

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