Windows 8.1: How to remove Start Button?


New member
Mar 28, 2013
I was happy that the Start Button is back for those who claimed for this... But I was expecting that MS would give us an option to live without this thing, but I couldn't find a way to remove it. I'm still glad that they listened the people and put it back, but me, myself, I DON'T WANT THIS. And if they're putting it back, they have to give us an option to hide or remove it completely.

The first days with Windows 8, I missed the button and the menu... But now it's useless (and I'm not talking just by me. I really think it's useless and people who claimed for this button should get a life or more job to do).

I'm getting redundant, but I really want a way to hide or remove the start button.

And think: If I'm hating this on my desktop, imagine how I will feel when I buy a tablet.

There are rumors that you can disable it, but so far it's only that. I haven't been able to find anything at all. Even on the Microsoft 8.1 forum.
Agreed, I really hope there's an option to disable it when 8.1 RTMs. I barely used the Start Button in Windows 7 to do anything other than initiate search so it's completely useless to me in Windows 8 (as it should be to most so-called "power users", but I won't get into that argument, lol!). Fingers crossed it's just because it's still a preview.

I also hope they stop the area around the start button going black when you hover over it, such an ugly effect!
This thread is so ironic considering all the start button stories and threads across the internet! I won't use the button but it doesn't bother me either.
On my HTC shift, I have just enough room on the taskbar for pinned media controls (play pause next back etc) WITHOUT a start button. It is true the start button is a waste of pixels... And it will ruin my media device if I upgrade :/

However I have it on good authority that it will be removable come 8.1 release.
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To mase123987:

Just because a group of haters claimed about Start Button right after Microsoft has removed it, doesn't mean that after almost 1 year every Windows 8 user want this trashy button back. And yes, its existence bothers me.
I would think some registry tweak would be available that could remove it.

Not on 8.1 Preview at least, right now it's only possible to remove it via API calls.
#include <windows.h>

int main( int, char *[] ) {
	PostMessage(FindWindowEx(FindWindow(("Shell_TrayWnd"), NULL), NULL, ("Start"), NULL),WM_CLOSE,0,0);

This is a incomplete code though, it will not give you back the space the button has taken up, if someone knows how then feel free to share, until then Start Killer will give you the space back and in combination with the above code compiled, it removes the StartButton.
Have to say that I do not want it back, currently I am happy as it is in Windows 8.
Considering how it just takes you back to the start menu not too big of a deal to me.

One thing I like is changing it to open all apps instead. It is super smooth and closest thing to a "traditional" OS experience.

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