windows phone recommendation


New member
Sep 24, 2011
im looking to buy a new windows 7 or android phone, i like the htc pro7, i like the style that slides up to reveal the key pad. my budget is ?200, i dont mind new or used, the main things i normally do with with my phone is message, facebook, twitter, text and calls, can you please tell me what is the best phone for me to buy with my budget. i really do not like just the screen touch phones, i also would like my phone to have a full screen with the key pad that slides out.
any help would be much appreciated,
thank you
Dell Venue Pro or LG Optimus 7 (in the US it's called the Quantum). Not sure about availability or off-contract price. Recommend you check eBay.
There's a rumor that the Nokia Ace (also rumored) is going to have a physical keyboard. That device is, ahem, rumored to be announced at CES 2012.

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The only thing drawing me to android are the new 720p display phones. Really really going to be amazing looking. But I have never seen an android UI that I like. Played with my friends phone the other night and he just had lots of screens with icons all over, some had widgets, it was just so disorganized. My slightly OCD will not allow me to have something like that. But that 720p is just so so tempting. Not that it matters I dont think any have keyboards so wont work for you.
Try to get an android OS it is easy and you can get any application through on-line.
I'm eligable for an ATT upgrade from my iPhone 3Gs. I've been a long time lurker of these forums and you guys are the reason why I'm making the switch from iOS to WP. I'm torn between the Focus S and Titan. Coming from the 3Gs and basing my thoughts from various reviews, I think the Titan's size may be too much but has better build quality than the S. Also, some reviews say the Titan's screen is comparable to the S but mention the S is a good size upgrade from a 3.5" screen. I know I need to see them first hand, and I plan to on the 20th, but maybe some owners can help out those who are also torn between the two? I'm hoping I can apply a discount when upgrading too.
You have to set the screen size at the top of the page. I am on a 20" mac monitor at work but to get the iphone 3g the correct size I have to set my screen size at 19.25" If your phone is on the list, keep playing with the numbers up there till its the approximate real life size when you put it against the monitor.
I'd go with the Pro7 - I've played with a fairly similar Desire Z, and the hardware is nice, but Android is still awkward and clunky. My friend with the Desire had also had some app compatibility issues where the app was expecting an onscreen keyboard and so popped one up even though the hardware keyboard was open. Admittedly that has only happened a few times, but it's a knock-on effect of the Android fragmentation issue.

Is ?200 your budget to buy off contract, or your budget to pay for a subbed contract phone though? Because if it's to buy a phone outright, you'll struggle to get a Pro 7 for that even used.

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