performance in Edge


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Submitted this feedback to the Edge team but the performance of windowscentral in Edge compared to chrome is terrible. It has major scrolling issues and when typing in the edit box some keystrokes are not even making it through.

Perhaps if we get a grass roots effort here and have everyone submit feedback about this site the Edge team will use windowscentral as a worst case scrolling test case?

Chrome scrolls and renders this site fast and fluid but Edge and IE can get almost unbearable.
Why not submit feedback to Mobile Nations? Seems like there might be a problem on their end.
Why not submit feedback to Mobile Nations? Seems like there might be a problem on their end.

That has been an ongoing problem reported there for a while. It tends to be a chrome and firefox centric site with the exception of windowscentral. It did get much better after the last redesign but still lags in comparison.

But if chrome can handle this website's design so should Edge. That's why I'm trying to see if we can get Edge's engineers to pay attention to this.
I think the problem is with windows central website and not edge, some compatibility issues I guess. But windows central is a heavy site, so its expected.
The site after recent updates is in shambles ....better fire up the app and see latest from there..besides ads on the website are haunting.... I know I know websites need money but I'm just saying .....
The site after recent updates is in shambles ....better fire up the app and see latest from there..besides ads on the website are haunting.... I know I know websites need money but I'm just saying .....

I have the paid version of app yet I see ads after recent update from windows 10 store beta for mobile.
The website is a great Edge test site because it is such a disaster full of so many ads. Fortunately ad blockers normally sort it but in Edge they don't exist. I've already reported it twice through the Feedback tool. Did notice turning Flash off helped with smoothness so don't know if the Flash interop is killing Edge.
Windowscentral hp may be the worst page in the internet based upon performance and ad count. U need one of the top500 supercomputers to run that mess fluid.
I'm not trying to throw wpcentral under the bus but chrome does seem much more responsive to rendering this web site. With chrome I have ad block on but it only gets that one big banner ad. I can't imagine that is what brings the browser to it's knees.

I figure it would be nice if the Edge engineers were aware of this while the public has their attention. It's one of the top Microsoft sites on the internet.
I cannot speak for Edge, but other threads about this have indicated the the primary issue is Internet Explorer. The users of the other Mobile Nations forums tend to use other browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. WC users tend to use IE. James Falconer said in another thread that the MN webmasters struggle with IE, and that most complaints about the MN sites come from WC.

I frequent WindowsCentral, AndroidCentral, and iMore, and much less often CrackBerry. I normally use Chrome with Ad Block Pro. I do not notice any difference in performance between the four sites.
That's because you have an ad blocker! Access the site without and you'll see how dire performance is.

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