With PS5 and Xbox next-gen out in the open, the Xbox Series S wins on value

Windows Central

WinC Bot
Staff member
Dec 17, 2013

With both next-gen consoles fully outed by Sony and Microsoft, there's a clear winner when it comes to value, and it's not Sony's box.
With the Sony rather unceremoniously dropping PlayStation 5 preorders without warning yesterday (despite prior claims there would be at least some warning), we finally got the full official picture on what the cost of next-gen gaming will look like for console fans.
The PlayStation 5 Digital Edition comes in at $399, with its disc-based cousin hitting $499 for a direct showdown with the Xbox Series X. The outlier is, interestingly, Microsoft's worst-kept-secret, the Xbox Series S — which is just $299.
In years passed, Microsoft's $249 Xbox One S "All-Digital" experiment turned out to be a success, despite skepticism across the board. Now both Sony and Microsoft are gunning for this emerging digital-only economy, where the margins on game sales are far superior, cutting out retailers almost entirely, while also killing the used game sales market in the process. Where Microsoft and Sony are sharply diverging is on the aftersale value proposition.
Sony's PlayStation beats Microsoft's Xbox a lot of things, but in 2020, value is objectively not one of them.

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