Hi everyone, first post here.
I won a free Titan at the windows phone LA event, awesome. The question now is, what do I do with it? I have an Arrive on Sprint, but, man the Titan is gorgeous.
Can you get data only plans from AT&T similar to what they have for iPad?
I am also considering giving it to my mother-in-law, as, I am nearing success of getting her off an iPhone and into wp7.
But, man, if I could have this thing as a media player/camera with some data, that might be too sweet to pass up.
Also, if you are in LA or SF, sign up for last night events. It was awesome. Great scene, good drinks and food and tons of phones to play with. Plus, get ready to tweet and win a phone. **** YEAH...LOVE WP7.
I won a free Titan at the windows phone LA event, awesome. The question now is, what do I do with it? I have an Arrive on Sprint, but, man the Titan is gorgeous.
Can you get data only plans from AT&T similar to what they have for iPad?
I am also considering giving it to my mother-in-law, as, I am nearing success of getting her off an iPhone and into wp7.
But, man, if I could have this thing as a media player/camera with some data, that might be too sweet to pass up.
Also, if you are in LA or SF, sign up for last night events. It was awesome. Great scene, good drinks and food and tons of phones to play with. Plus, get ready to tweet and win a phone. **** YEAH...LOVE WP7.