Wouldn't it be cool...


New member
Apr 18, 2011
If they brought back some old school flip phones and made them smart phones.

I would dig a Razor running WP7.5 and a touchscreen, a 8mp camera, a FF camera, etc...

I would buy that in a heartbeat.

They did make a Blackberry clamshell not too long ago. I don't think it sold very well, though.

BlackBerry - BlackBerry Style 9670 - New BlackBerry Style Flip Phone - BlackBerry 9670

Even before the BlackBerry Style, RIM had the BlackBerry Pearl Flip, which used the SureType condensed keyboard. I used to have one but I was one of the brave few. Both BlackBerry Flips have flopped! :P I think that form factor is no longer popular. It's all glass slabs or sliding keyboards.
The Motorola Krave (Ming in Asia) with the clear, touch sensitive flip, was a cool design. Lousy software though.
Even before the BlackBerry Style, RIM had the BlackBerry Pearl Flip, which used the SureType condensed keyboard. I used to have one but I was one of the brave few. Both BlackBerry Flips have flopped! :P I think that form factor is no longer popular. It's all glass slabs or sliding keyboards.

I really dug the Blackberry Pearl Flip, but most people seemed to really hate it.
The problem is that to make it have a decent sized screen, the phone would have to be huge. I like the concept, but the reality doesn't pan out

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