WPCentral for Windows Phone App - Redesign


New member
Jun 7, 2014
Hi everyone,

I really like the WPCentral App for Windows Phone 8. I use it every day and I love the actuality and the quality of the news. But as I use the app every day, I noticed some things which I found bad and wanted to improve. So I thought of redesigning the app, and that?s what I did. Please let me know what you think of this concept, I?m always open for constructive critic.

Go to OneDrive to view the whole concept: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?res...559&authkey=!AE83mgEIALaC1T8&ithint=file,docx

So, that?s it! What do you think? Would you like the see the app like this?
I always wanted my comment to be in different color than the rest (for example if all are in red color mine to be green) so I can easily find it. Right now I scroll-scroll and scroll until I see the reply-edit-delete buttons on the right top corner. Sometimes I dint even find it, someone deletes them. Anyways that not the point. Different color would be great addition
This is an interesting design. Jay, the app developer, is active on the boards here but is away on holiday at the moment. I'm sure he'll give you some feedback when he gets back.
In wpcentral app, even if we get some features from tapatalk, it'll be a good addition. Tapatalk has many more features as compared to WPcentral, also its UI is good
Daniel, thank you for the time you clearly put into this work, it's great to see people so invested. A lot of your ideas are how I thought I would evolve this app design if we were to continue with it. However, out community is asking for more and with the new universal app templates I have begun a project to totally scratch the current app and start again. This includes a completely new design as part of the process which will take ideas from our tablet app and improve on them for a smaller screen. I hope to be able to share something about that app before the end of this year

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