WTS HP Elite X3 with Dock

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Scienceguy Labs

Active member
Jun 13, 2012
Item Description: Perfect condition, GSM X3. No scratches or burn in. Dock is included, plus the HP flip case. I've been using it at my home desk as a music device and Continuum PC.

Price: $200.00

Carrier Locked or Unlocked?: Unlocked

Condition: Used, Excellent

Includes: Phone, dock, case

Item Location: Rogers, AR

Shipping Details: Free USPS, only to addresses in the US

Payment Options: PayPal gift

Additional Info: I've been craving Popeyes Chicken recently.

Photos: See attached

Contact Info - Please PM or post below (do not post your email address)View attachment 139161IMG_20180417_173234.jpgIMG_20180417_173142.jpgIMG_20180417_173208.jpgIMG_20180417_173154.jpgIMG_20180417_173151.jpgIMG_20180417_173157.jpgIMG_20180417_173214.jpg
This looks really good. I'd buy it but my one Windows phone slot has been filled...

Lurkers, step up and find this phone a good home. I do business with the OP all the time, so buy with confidence.
Thanks, MIA. I appreciate it. Hopefully, somebody will come along and pick this up. I hate to see it go, but I'm just not using it as much as I thought I would.
if the exchange rate wasn't so crappy, I'd be all over this but I just cant justify the price for a backup device... also I'm looking at a cdn seller near me who is throwing in an HP laptop dock thingy with it for $300... hmmm decisions decisions LOL
if the exchange rate wasn't so crappy, I'd be all over this but I just cant justify the price for a backup device... also I'm looking at a cdn seller near me who is throwing in an HP laptop dock thingy with it for $300... hmmm decisions decisions LOL
I almost decided to keep this one and buy the lapdock. I always wanted to try that out. Oh, well.
Good luck finding yours.
Shoot, I just finally caved and bought a Pixel 2 after my 950 battery finally died for the umpteenth and final time. Other than the apps that are finally available now, which is a big deal, I do NOT like Android and miss W10M dearly. If this hangs around I might bite just for nostalgia sake.
Shoot, I just finally caved and bought a Pixel 2 after my 950 battery finally died for the umpteenth and final time. Other than the apps that are finally available now, which is a big deal, I do NOT like Android and miss W10M dearly. If this hangs around I might bite just for nostalgia sake.
Nostalgia was the exact reason that I bought it. W10M should have been so much more popular than it was. Oh, well.
Thanks for looking.
What's the lowest you'd take? I'd grab it as my backup or just to use when I get my WP10 itch.
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