WTT : Cracked Lumia 1520 Yellow (att-can be unlocked) for a ok-fair-good Lumia 830

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Aug 14, 2014
Item: Yellow Lumia 1520 ( AT&T variant) (can be unlocked if needed)

Condition: Body is in good shape, there is just some crack in the upper screen, other than that device is fine and fully functional

Includes: Phone and a glass screen protector will be applied to the phone, so you'll never even have to feel the crack..will be a cosmetic only problem

Item Location: Ohio

Overall Summary: This is a yellow AT&T Lumia 1520 that can be unlocked if needed. Cracked in upper screen as said above, and will have a tempered glass screen protector on it.. I like the 1520 but I want to try out an 830 for some time (would prefer one with the silver band but I'll accept dark grey)...So anybody willing to trade me their ok/fair to good condition (scratches, maybe a dent or chip or two) midrange 830 for my cracked but otherwise good conditioned flagship Lumia 1520...

Anybody interested?

Will post more pictures tomorrow (in better quality/higher resolution)

PS: This, trade better suits someone who's going to use the phone the way it is ( maybe someone who wants to try out the 1520 but doesn't want to spend $200+ on a phone that's just going get succeeded in 4-6 months).. If you plan on getting it to repair the screen, your better off buying one with a completely shattered up display for $20 and repairing that..as the cost to repair will be the same regardless of the phones screen severity
I also may be willing to trade for a 730/735 that's compatible with ATT's network
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