The motherboard is the heart of your PC, connecting all your important components together and making all the magic occur. When setting out to build a new PC, you'll want to start with the CPU and then choose a corresponding Intel or AMD motherboard to go with it. This Black Friday, there are plenty of deals to be had and here are but a few highlights.
[h=2]AMD[/h][h=3]$30 off[/h][h=4]MSI X570-A PRO[/h]
AMD Pick
This board from MSI utilizes AMD's latest X570 chipset for third-gen Ryzen CPUs, bringing with it PCIe 4.0 support and plenty of other high-end features at a reasonable price.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
[h=2]AMD[/h][h=3]$30 off[/h][h=4]MSI X570-A PRO[/h]
AMD Pick
This board from MSI utilizes AMD's latest X570 chipset for third-gen Ryzen CPUs, bringing with it PCIe 4.0 support and plenty of other high-end features at a reasonable price.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...