Your app icon color preference?


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Which app icon color do you prefer? Accent color, gray (like some apps by Microsoft) or custom (like blue for Facebook and red for Tango)?

Of course, it's a general question and would vary by the function of the app.
I like my apps matching my theme (teal).

However I do like apps like the Netflix, Xbox Live, and ESPN being their usual colors. It would be cool if they were theme colors though too. I think if EVERY app was my theme color it would be confusing.
I'd actually like it if I could have a color for each type of app, with the ability to have multiple categories with one color.

Example... books/news/reference being green.
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I'd actually like it if I could have a color for each type of app, with the ability to have two colors for one category.

Example... books/news/reference being green.

actually that could work too lmao.
I don't mind the odd few having there own colour but I do prefer them to take my Theme into account.
I don't like the "themes" idea at all. I don't like having all my tiles the same color.

I wish more developers gave the option in their apps to NOT have the tile match your "theme".
I'd love if the apps were able to have more than one app icon, so we could choose our preferred color, but I'm not sure that's possible for developers.
Honestly, I would like be be able to select certain colors and have my theme randomly change through those colors ever so often. And I would like to be able to select the tile/icon theme colors manually.

I also wish most tiles would only use a splash of the theme color, to carrier the accent throughout while still being full of different colors and stuff.
Rather than the colour - my biggest bug is that (and I don't want to single anyone out) some app's livetitle icons look like they were quickly drawn in Paint-shop by a drunk with a wonky mouse. There was app I was using that I had to unpin because the tile looked so ugly! :)
I actually find that the colorful screen is distracting to me. I've organized my tiles such that when I'm scrolled to the top of my start screen, all the tiles there have the accent color (with exception of the People tile). Fortunately, all the apps I use most (and that provide me useful live information) are in the accent color:

1. Calendar
2. People, Phone
3. Messaging, Linked Inboxes
4. IE, VM Lite (a voice memo app)

I do agree however that if a particular service, website or app has a well established color scheme (e.g. netflix, facebook, office, etc.) I would prefer that color scheme be used over the accent color, but I would probably move the tile out of the first four rows.
Custom colors would be sweet. I miss a color pick app I had for the Focus a while back. I do use the blue / red / and lime themes the most an I can use the white background more now so it's ok for now.

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I'd actually like it if I could have a color for each type of app, with the ability to have multiple categories with one color.

Example... books/news/reference being green.

I absolutely LOVE this concept.

How about allowing the user to select sections in the start screen (e.g. I want the first 5 rows of tiles to be social apps, next 4 rows to be PIM type apps, etc.) Each section could have its own accent color. Now finding a tile would be more visual.

Further, that empty (dare I say wasted) space on the right below the arrow button? Allow each section to have optional vertial text with the name the section, 'Social', 'PIM', etc.


Just thougth of a very metro way to expand on this... Have multiple, user defined, start screens, each with its own accent color. A user might then have one for each type of app. The name of the home screens would appear along the top and swiping left and right would walk through the various home screens one at a time thus behaving just as many of the metro apps currently do (I suppose each page would look a lot like 'recent' in People though the tiles would be vertical as they are on the current start screen). The app list would then be just another page. Now I know a lot of people hate the concept of multiple start screens (there's another thread somewhere on here about that). But I would propose the number of start screens be configurable with a minimum of one in which case it would look and feel just as it does now (though the arrow might be gone).
The more color the better. I try to move my tiles around so I DON'T have a block of theme colored tiles. And devs can offer color choices. Several do now.

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Personally, I used to group together first party apps at the top, but then I started mixing the Me tile and several contacts, and now it looks better, more dynamic. I wish more devs offered color options.
I think Devs can have different tiles. "Stop the Music" by boodev has 2 to choose from. One with text, one without. I would think it would be just as easy to have a custom tile as an option or a theme style tile.
Accent color for sure. I think its ugly and not very "Metro" when scrolling through tiles and seeing a bunch of different colors and pictures.
Accent color for sure. I think its ugly and not very "Metro" when scrolling through tiles and seeing a bunch of different colors and pictures.

Well, I think that's changing with Windows 8, which have differently colored tiles everywhere. I wonder how that'll affect WP7.

By the way, the original question was about the app icon (the one in the list to the left), not the Live Tile. I'll assume the same results of the poll apply to that.

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