Your thoughts on fine point Active Stylus with W10 Tablets (Non pen models)...


New member
Nov 16, 2013
I think I have reached the limit of what I can do with a fat mush tip stylus.... does anyone out there use any model of an Active Stylus on a non digitizer small tablet ( or touch laptop )??
An Active Stylus uses a battery to make the static charge for touch screen use, and most do not use blue-tooth. Some do and the palm reject is hit and miss from the reviews I have seen. However most if not all are designed for the iPad. So I hope some here got the same idea as I have to start trying some fine point active stylus on a cheaper model of Windows 10 Tablet .

Looking for any tips and tricks you may have come across, but just never sat down and typed out your I only found 1 video where an Active Stylus was used on an RT Surface ( It was not the greatest since sliced bread, but it was better then a mush tip from what I saw.

The model I am thinking I may try first is Adonit Jot Script 2 Evernote Edition Stylus


If you have used this or any model of Active Stylus please post up !!!!!!!
The Jot Script 2.0 will work just like your finger on any capacitive touchscreen device. However, features like increased precision and palm-rejection require a compatible app and an iOS device with Bluetooth 4 such as iPad 3, 4, Air, Mini.

Looks like you maybe out of luck :cry:

Might be worth an email to them?
Still have questions?

Email us at and we'll be glad to lend you a hand.
That's why I asked here to see if any have tried. Not just the Jot, but any of the dozen or so others out there. As I said in the first post some use bluetooth and some do not.

The one common between them all is the tip, small fine point. They all also are active Stylus ( require battery to work), if the power is off they do not work on the screen. Some use aaa or aaaa battery, some have built in usb charge battery.

As I also said what I did see for use on a Surface RT it is a step up from the fat mush tip, but in no way do I imply it would be as good as a Surface Pro and Pen.

So because of the mixed message on the web site and the lack of review ( not just iPad ) I suggest we start here.

I am willing to kick it off and test, and if there is improvement over mush tip then maybe start bugging the company to add W10 support for tablet.
Yup, the SP3 pen is amazing!

The Surface Pro ( any ) with a pen would be for a serious artist, Student, or professional. I am just looking for an improvement to doodle, maybe take a few notes ( as I have started using Onenote and Evernote for work, hours tracking and numbers for daily totals to cover my butt ).

A mush tip I have found is only good to select tiles/icons and screen movement.....a doodle with a mush tip is awful.

2 examples marker and pencil doodles.......note it is so darn hard to get lines to match up with a mush tip ( $5.00 on sale Stylus)
The Surface Pro ( any ) with a pen would be for a serious artist, Student, or professional. I am just looking for an improvement to doodle, maybe take a few notes
That's one thing I like about the pen, it's great for writing. My scribble looks just as bad when I use the SP3 to a normal pen! :amaze:

Also I never use a mouse and not often the trackpad as the precision of the pen means using W10 is easy just poking things.

Report back if you find a decent pen as I would guess many would be interested.
Ok so I took the plunge and grabbed the Adonit Jot Script ( Evernote Edition ), basically a Jot Script with bonus of Evernote upgrade for 6 months. I have only tinkered for under an hour, but I have to say the use of an active stylus on a Windows 10 Tablet ( my case is Acer W3 8" non digitizer), is awesome when you have only ever used a fat mush tip !!!!!!!!

I will state for the record now, it is in no way shape or form as good as a Surface + Pen or any model that has pen support. I have played with Surface Pro + Pen so I have a frame of reference.

Once you are used to the feel of a fine point Active Stylus , and even I am blown away at how quick it started to feel like natural pen and paper, you will enjoy the ability to print or write a note!!!!!!

The Jot Script paired with both my Lumia 640 XL and my Acer W3 ( but there is no added support by doing so), and while Fresh Paint on the 640 XL with finger/mush tip stylus was just god awful doodle crap, small improvement with Active Stylus. The biggest improvement was on the Acer W3, and I mean by leaps and bounds !!!!!

Printing was much better ( no lag that I saw ) and it took 2 tries to pair, and shows the icon for HID, so no palm reject ability or even levels of pressure, but the Acer W3 was never made to be Surface like.

I will report more and post samples when I have time, and I will even try to get a video demo on my youtube. However for the time being I can say for a non digitizer cheap Atom based tablet like the Acer W3...... an Active Stylus is the way to go !!!!

So if you can find a Jut Script ( Active Stylus ) on sale for a good price, I would snap it up!!!!!!!!! They are marketed to iPad users and do have extra features on Apple devices, but man the improvement I have seen in just an hour of use seems worth it to me.

Oh I almost forgot, not sure if it helped but I calibrated my device using the Active Stylus 3 or 4 times and rebooted after.

Color me impressed !!!!!!!
Ok time for some examples.

Now please bear in mind first 2 were done in doodle apps not note takers and it was within first hour of use so my printing is rough, I believe the term is "chicken scratch"


After some playing around it will slowly become better ( as you now have to be aware to keep your hand off screen ), however in Edge use of Ink and One note can come in handy.

Screenshot (8).png

So as you see my hand is starting to get used to the pen still not the neatest but a little better. Where the Active Stylus shines and is the greatest thing since sliced bread is in Desktop mode !!!!!!

Fine point control over a fat mush tip or finger, I would say as dead on as a mouse !!!! Hitting small targets in File explorer, use in the menus almost no missed taps or tapping wrong item !!!!!!!!!!!!

I can say now I will not go back to a mush tip ever, just after a few goes with an Active fine point stylus I am starting to really like using it, and can now attempt things I never would have with a mush tip!!!
I almost forgot to say One Note and Evernote + hand written input keyboard ( built into Windows 10 ) + Active Stylus = Super !!!!!!

Above + mush tip not worth the time.

I haven't run the training wizard for hand written input yet, but that will be something I do next. However with no training of the tablet, doing a quick note is almost effortless!!!
Thanks for reporting back, glad that it's working out well :grin:

No worry !! I am just glad I found something that others haven't tripped over yet! It could save a starving student or cheap person like myself a buck or two :grin:

So for $199 ( Acer W3 on clearance ), and $90 for the Stylus ( can be found cheaper - Evernote Upgrade), I am almost Surface like........ No hover, palm reject but I can live with it!!!!
Sorry for the long delay, but I just got around to getting a video posted. Nothing exciting, just a demo to show it does work.


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