After WP 8x appalling price, speculation on L920 pricing


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Jul 19, 2011
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Didn't htc already say the 8X will be $199 in contract?

Yes. But this is a discussion of off contract pricing (real price) and not contract price (subsidized price).

If it is $500 off contract I may get it. I got a Lumia 900 in April, so I'm not due an upgrade for a while.


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Sep 24, 2012
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I just ended a contract and if I can get a 920, $500-$600off contract, could be worth it... Of course depends on contract offerings too, if in time they come in anywhere near 900 prices, we will be golden!


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Apr 11, 2012
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I'll just copy my post from the comment section that I wrote as a response to someone who compared the 399 GBP Amazon price of the 8X to the Lumia 920's 649 EUR MSRP (suggested retail price), as to why I think that comparing prices of these two phones, and expecting them to compare/match each other, is idiotic.

His original post:
"And I compare price of 649 and 399 , this is a big gap for me."

My reply:

You are wrong in actually THREE points, not even one. I will list you your mistakes, and then resolve them for you.

For one, you are comparing British Pounds to Euros. They are not 1:1, as you seem to think.

Then, you are comparing a pre-order actual sales price, to a suggested retail price. The 8X has a suggested retail price as well...

Then, you are comparing the prices of two phones in completely different classes with each other. With that, you suggest that they are comparable (i.e. on the same level) in what they bring and offer to the user/buyer, and equate them to the same level, if though they are not and are actually pretty far apart in what they offer.

Now to resolve your problems:

1. One GBP is not one Euro. It's 1.255 Euros. Now, you are comparing 399 GB POUNDS actual sales price to 650 EUROS suggested retail price, as if it was a matter of 399 vs 650. In reality, you are comparing 500 EUROS actual sales price to 650 EUROS suggested retail price.

2. The suggested retail price of the 8X is 550? if I remember correctly. That's 100 Euros, or 79 GB Pounds, less than the suggested retail price of the Lumia 920. Now, the 8X is pre-orderable for 500?, which is 50? below it's suggested retail price. If we assume that the Lumia 920 will also be pre-orderable for 50? below it's MSRP, it would be 600? and therefore again the same 100?/79GBP difference in price.

3. Now the third and most important problem is your proposition of comparing the price of those two phones as if they were equal offerings, where one can just pick the one that is cheaper and get the same. I will list you the features that elevate the Lumia 920 above the 8X, so that you (and others who are reading and have fallen into the same misconception) can understand why they are not equal and why it is completely understandable and justifyable that the 920 isn't "as cheap" as the 8X:

I don't think I need to mention the camera, which is loads better because of its better lens, imaging sensor and the expensive IS (Image Stabilisation) technology.

Next up is the screen, it's not just that the Lumia 920's screen is bigger, as in taller and more inches on the datasheet (like Samsung, now also Apple with the 5, and pretty much all Android manufacturers do) , but it is wider and offers a 16:10 screen ratio compared to the 16:9 ratio of the HTC, with an accompanying higher resolution and extra pixels in the space that it has more, and with that it offers more screen real estate, and is helpful for example in landscape mode, where it offers more vertical space for example when reading websites or documents, composing messages or emails (you get to see more of what is above your keyboard), or navigating.

Here's a comparison of the two screen sizes, as you can see, it's not really much taller, but it's wider (also, feel free to change the 4.3 to 4.8 and discover that the 4.8 inch display of the Ativ S is only taller, not even wider - so much for "bigger" screen and the Android-ridiculousness of "inches" as screen size indicators):
Visual TV Size Comparison : 4.3 inch 16x9 display vs 4.5 inch 16x10 display

Here, I made screenshots of the comparisons, the Lumia 920 screen is the green one:

Lumia 920 vs HTC 8X screen size comparison:

Lumia 920 vs Samsung Ativ S screen size comparison:

Then, the screen isn't just bigger and actually offers more space for things (as opposed to just being bigger but offering the same space as a smaller one with the same resolution because things just get larger, no, this screen offers more space), it is also made with much better technology on several levels:

It has twice the screen refresh rate, which (at least in my opinion) is important for the Windows Phone OS, because it is scroll intensive and has a lot of fonts, and when I scroll on my current phone, I can't read the words as they are flying by because they become blurred. Nokias display in the 920 solves that, as it now has a screen refresh rate that matches the phone UI's framerate. Also, it has a ClearBlack screen, which means it has a polarized screen that offers much better legibility outdoors. Often, I can't properly see what's on my scren when I'm outdoors, because of the reflection, and even tilting the screen doesn't help. Cleablack helps a lot.

It also has a new touch technology that doesn't need contact with your skin, but also works with fingernails, gloves, pencils or other objects. I can't tell you how often I've seen women struggle with capacitive displays because of their fingernails, and how often I was amazed how well and precise they can handle (for me unusable) resistive tiny-screen phones because of their fingernails. I also can't count how many times I had to use my nose as an input device to tap on something, because I had gloves on in the winter and I had no time or desire to take them off.

Here's a video of it being used with a fork and gloves:
Nokia Lumia 920 - Screen Works with a fork and wear gloves - YouTube

(Oh, and off topic, the Nokia 808 also seems to support gloves!
Nokia 808 Bedienung mit Handschuhen - YouTube )

Then, there's the exclusive Nokia Apps which add A LOT of value to the phone. I won't even get started on the exclusive Apps of big names and companies that Nokia is bringing to WP, which otherwise wouldn't be available, some of which will be exclusive to Lumia's for a while. The Nokia Apps and Services alone are worth boatloads of money for me (and cost them a lot to develop, unlike the handful of mediocre crap-Apps that other WP manufacturers offer, which are all years old and far behind any free App of the same function from the Marketplace). I use a first generation LG Optimus 7, but I recently bought a Lumia 710 for a friend, and I can't tell you how jealous I am of her phone. While it would be completely understandable to assume that it's the same phone experience because it's the same OS, it just isn't. The experience with the Lumia is just so much nicer and better. The Nokia Mix Radio is SO GREAT, I can't stress it enough, and that alone would be totally worth a 50+ Euro premium for me. I know, not for most people and most people don't even know it exists and don't have it in their equation when deciding whether to buy a Lumia, but I have seen it and I am so jealous that I don't have it. There's a lot of great music, organized into several great channels (for example, the Top 40 of different countries, Celebrity composed Playlists, New songs, Genres and Era's etc). They are also not composed by a software algorithm that always lumps in the same 5 bands with each other, but by actual people who work as sort of Radio DJ's and put a lot of thought and effort into these mixes, resulting in great mixes with a lot of surprises and songs one usually would never find on such a Mix. Read about it here: Music Lessons: the secrets behind Nokia Mix Radio ? Nokia Conversations : the official Nokia blog...

I think I don't have to mention Nokia Drive, Nokia Maps, Nokia Transit and Nokia eBooks, I think everyone has heard about them by now. If not, just google for "Nokia Lumia Apps" and you'll find them on Nokias site.

Then there's the wireless charging technology, which also isn't free and offers plenty of value. I always put my phone on the same spot on my table (a flat pack of gum, because the metal backside directly my table just feels and sounds awkward and "scratchy"), where it is constantly discharging (by nature, it looses power), and when I want to charge it, I have to actively want to do that and think of it (for example before going out, I can't forget to charge it otherwise I'm screwed), and find the cable and plug it in away from where I am sitting, which is a hassle because then I can't use it and have to stand up and walk back and forth to answer messages or the phone. The idea of being able to just drop it on the same, soft spot (protection from scratching, accidentally pushing it off the table or whatever) and it will just charge itself all by itself, and will always be fully charged when I need it or spontaniously head out or whatever, and the ability to, when it is charging, just pick it up, answer the message and put it back to charging, without having to adhere to a cable, is great in my mind. Didn't really think of this earlier, but now as I mentioned it, all of this just hit me.

For me, the 8X compares much more with the Lumia 820 than with the Lumia 920. The 8X is basically a 820 with a higher screen resolution, a better camera sensor and without all the Nokia Apps. Same processor, RAM and other hardware. The 8X is basically your usual Android phone that just ticks the boxes. ..720p's there...S4's there...larger's there...1GB's there... and so on.
While the 920 is just jam-packed with technology and features, with everything there is (just like in the good "old" days, when Nokia N-series smartphones like the N95 were packed with absolutely everything), and has all the best, so many technologies and outstanding stuff in fact, that I have yet to see Nokia (or any user on the internet) list EVERYTHING all at once. There's several points for every thing, be it the screen, the camera, their several exclusive Nokia apps etc etc..

And all of what I listed above costs money. And the Lumia 920 is only 100?'s more expensive than the HTC 8X, while offering A LOT of cutting edge and expensive technology that is not available in the 8X. I am very certain that Nokia will be making less money (in actual money as well as in %) per Lumia 920 sold, than HTC per 8X. So much for cheaper, too expensive or whatever.


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Apr 24, 2012
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@ramrac: You summed it up beautifully. The 8X and 920 aren't direct competitors just because they are the "flagship" models of their manufacturers.

I'd qualify the Ativ S as a competitor for the 920 (not a very good one at that for me) but not the 8X.

This is a bit like the time when Nokia came out with the Lumia 800 - yes, that phone had a great design and everything but it was still underwhelming and it was hard to "upgrade" to it from say, a Samsung Focus. HTC has done well with the design aspect of the phones (really digging the 8S) but there's nothing about the 8X that really stands out and for me, that is a downer. I hate to say this but they need to translate this design onto a phone that packs in more features to be on the same level as Nokia.


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Apr 11, 2012
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The Ativ S is the same as the 8X or 820, just with a larger but worse quality (Pentile) screen. It's just a SGS3 in a different plastic enclosure, this time one that mimics metal. There is no added value for the customer, it is just ticking boxes. That's the reality of the Asian phone manufacturers, they are just cobbling together the box-ticking off-the-shelf hardware, in an exterior design that they have copied/"been inspired by" someone else who has thought up a successful design and has been daring enough to introduce it, and that's that. They have minimal costs in the design, services, development or customer service departements. A Samsung or HTC is interchangeable with a Huawei, ZTE or any other cheap chinese sweat-shop hardware-cobbler, they are all interchangable and the cheapest ones will stay.

Nokia on the other hand, similar to Apple, is running the old-school business model of trying to offer their customer the best product with the best extra services and added values possible, to offer them the best they can do/make happen. That needs to be communicated better.

Buying a Lumia is like getting a Zune subscription for free, I just found out that the "Nokia Mix Radio" has over 17 Million songs, and you can actually search the Mix Radio and play a song that you want, and it will then fill a Playlist/Mix with songs similar to the one you searched for. Now I also remembered that all the Nokia XPressMusic phones came with a free music downloading service, where you could download music (like in iTunes) for free. THAT is service, that is an offer to your customers.

But the bastardized Android cheepskeet market is only looking at specsheet boxes being ticked and then buys the cheapest thing, regardless of what the manufacturer's made-up name is (ZTE, Huwaei, Samsung, HTC, KCU, JKS, MeePhone, UTH, ZZeidong....whatever), it turned the Smartphone market into the OEM PC market, where people buy their phones like they buy laptops at bestbuy. That way, all companies that actually strive to make great products for their customers, are killed. It's like picking a Brilliance over a BMW, because it has an engine with the same displacement, ticks all the boxes in the extras department, and the front looks kind of similar, so it's good enough...

In my opinion, the S4 processor is so good, that there really isn't a need anymore to run after the latest processor for a 10% performance increase every 6-12 months (I think it's at least 4 times as powerful as the one in the current phones), and it actually makes for a phone to stay, one which you can easily use more than 2 years, and with the specs (Processor, RAM etc) being equally good at all phones because of WP, the time has come to look at WHAT ELSE that phone offers you, and choosing a good companion for the next years, that offers you the most added value and a better experience.

I have bought the cheaper phone so often, that spending "one-night-out" more (50-100) for a phone would've been better than to feel worse-off/behind after just 6 months, and having to buy a new phone at a high price a year later.

At least that's my opinion. I am now looking to find the phone that will be the best companion for me for the next years.

And free, excellent, offline!, navigation (by car, public transport etc) and a free music service that will introduce me to great new music and enhance and widen my music experience, is pretty hard to beat by 0.01mm (I mean seriously...half a centimeter thinner, from say 2.1cm to 1.5cm, is an argument...but between phones that are already only about 1cm thin and often TOO thin to be held in hand comfortably, arguing about 1mm (MILLIMETER!!!!) is so frikking ridiculous and can only take place in the internet...), or the weight of two standard letters or 4 tiny coins... ;)


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Apr 20, 2011
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I disagree with you on that. The Galaxy S3 is the best phone in the market right now and the ATIV at least expect wise is good deal. It might not bring anything new but it brings the absolute best Samsung has to offer.


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Apr 11, 2012
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I still don't get what people cream their pants over when it comes to the SGS3. It's none better than the One X, which was available a long time before it. They both have the currently best processor, the S4. Plus, it has a pentile display. With that, it's nothing better than the Lumia 920. I seriously don't see anything that it supposedly has that makes it better than any other same-specced phone, of which there are plenty.


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Apr 20, 2011
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I still don't get what people cream their pants over when it comes to the SGS3. It's none better than the One X, which was available a long time before it. They both have the currently best processor, the S4. Plus, it has a pentile display. With that, it's nothing better than the Lumia 920. I seriously don't see anything that it supposedly has that makes it better than any other same-specced phone, of which there are plenty.

Over the Nokia 920 the GS3 has.

Quad-core vs Dual-core (on the international version)
Bigger screen
Removable battery
SD card support
LED notification

Everywhere you look at it, is a fantastic phone. It didn't destroyed the Android competition by chance.


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Mar 24, 2012
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Over the Nokia 920 the GS3 has.

Quad-core vs Dual-core (on the international version)
Bigger screen
Removable battery
SD card support
LED notification

Everywhere you look at it, is a fantastic phone. It didn't destroyed the Android competition by chance.
Nokia Lumia 920 over GS3
Wireless Charging
Puremotion Display
better PPI
Pureview Camera
Sensitive Screen
better materials (polycarbonate vs Cheap Platic)
gorilla glass 2

the Nokia Lumia 920 also has a lot as well. so yea... try harder next time man.


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Apr 11, 2012
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Over the Nokia 920 the GS3 has.

Quad-core vs Dual-core (on the international version)

This is another thing I don't get.
It doesn't have an S4 quad-core processor, but an old A9 quad-core. How in the fkuc is that a positive, when that "quad-core" is not faster at reality than the dual-core S4, but uses much more energy? It's like saying having a quad-core "Core2Quad" is better than a dual-core Sandy Bridge. It doesn't make sense. If I had the choice, I would definitely go for the S4 dual-core version of that phone and not for the one with the old A9 and a ridiculously beefed up graphics chip. You had the same old quad-cores before in other devices, it wasn't the first phone with a quad-core A9 as far as I know.

Bigger screen

Refer to my previous post, there's a graphic in there. The screen isn't bigger, it's just taller. Bigger would mean it's larger in all directions, it isn't.

Removable battery
SD card support
LED notification

Those are all nice to have things, but none of them qualify as elevating it above anything else. My question still stands, what does that Pentile-screened phone have? It has things that the SGS2 didn't have, yes, but what it offers was available before it from other manufacturers. There is still nothing on it that offers more than the hardware specs, nothing that differentiates it or that offers the customer something that others don't. S-Voice? Please...
As the guy above me summed up, the Lumia 920 offers much more than the SGS3 and is an overall better device.

Everywhere you look at it, is a fantastic phone. It didn't destroyed the Android competition by chance.

Hype around the strong "Galaxy S" brand did that, and the fact that people outside the internet don't actually know what Android is, but think that they are buying a "Galaxy Phone", they don't know that a Sony, Motorola, LG or HTC would offer them the same Specs, App selection and operating system.


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Mar 1, 2012
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Over the Nokia 920 the GS3 has.

Quad-core vs Dual-core (on the international version)
Bigger screen
Removable battery
SD card support
LED notification

Everywhere you look at it, is a fantastic phone. It didn't destroyed the Android competition by chance.

Forgetting the 920 for a moment, there seem to be 2 reasons why people at work have got GS3s, rather than stuff like the One X, or an iPhone 5.

Price, and many people disliking HTC Sense.


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Apr 20, 2011
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Nokia Lumia 920 over GS3
Wireless Charging
Puremotion Display
better PPI
Pureview Camera
Sensitive Screen
better materials (polycarbonate vs Cheap Platic)
gorilla glass 2

the Nokia Lumia 920 also has a lot as well. so yea... try harder next time man.

Those are things that the Lumia has over the GS3 yes but are they better than what the GS3 offers over it?

Removable battery, SD card support, bigger screen vs Higher PPI, Pureview Camera, Sensitive screen.

All of those are great features, I myself prefer the former so I find the ATIV to be a superior Windows Phone 8 over the competition.

Polycarbonate isn't a premium material, is also cheap plastic. Is just a cheap plastic that doesn't looks it's coloring while getting scratch. My 5$ sunglasses are polycarbonate.

I think GS3 also has Gorilla Glass 2 if I'm not mistaken.

I don't know what puremotion display means, seems like a market name like Retina, but the Lumia does have a higher resolution than the GS3, none pentile for the matter so the screen should be superior. But smaller.

Wireless charging is a gimmick that requires you to spend extra money in order to be useful, you can't use your phone while it's charging neither.

Take in mind that the GS3 is also lighter and thinner so is more pocket-able and other great features like LED notification and those little software touches like the fact that the screen won't dim if you are looking at it.

And I don't want to get in there but it runs Android so it has more and better apps.


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Jul 19, 2011
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Forgetting the 920 for a moment, there seem to be 2 reasons why people at work have got GS3s, rather than stuff like the One X, or an iPhone 5.

Price, and many people disliking HTC Sense.

The One X is cheaper than the SIII and the SIII costs about what the iPhone does, so that argument doesn't work. The Sense argument stands though. Touchwiz is much less in your face, especially on Android 4.0 phones.

If I were buying one, I'd personally get the One X over the SIII, but I don't like Samsung products. I think the Ativ is a piece of garbage compared to the 8X and the 920.

I still don't see why people think the 920 is so much better than the 8X. I think they are pretty evenly matched, and it will mostly come down to what you want in a smartphone as to which is a better choice for you. I don't see the 920 as being a clearly better phone. Lots of people have pointed out what the 920 has that the 8X lacks, so I'll do the opposite. Here are things the 8X has that the 920 doesn't:

Hardware amplifier
Dedicated Imaging Chip (faster cam performance)
More one hand friendly screen (yes phone is larger, but a smaller screen is more one
hand friendly, and believe it or not, not everyone wants a giant screen)
Slimmer, lighter design
Higher DPI screen

I think if HTC releases the Zenith, it could easily beat the 920


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Apr 20, 2011
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Is mindshare also. Look at a friend of mine, she could get the OneX for 99bucks or the GS3 for 200 bucks. She wanted the GS3 because it was all white as opossed to the One X with was only white on the back.

Simple things like this matter to people.


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Sep 30, 2012
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OK while we are at it, why not look at durability of the S3 vs the Lumia. When the S3 went up against the iPhone 5, it lost big time. When they tested the Lumia 900, it did much better. The screen never cracked during the test. Only thing that killed the Lumia 900 was water due to an open area because they left the sim card door open during the test.
Both devices are nice to look at, but having a phone that will not break very easy is a big plus


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Mar 24, 2012
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Those are things that the Lumia has over the GS3 yes but are they better than what the GS3 offers over it?

Removable battery, SD card support, bigger screen vs Higher PPI, Pureview Camera, Sensitive screen.

All of those are great features, I myself prefer the former so I find the ATIV to be a superior Windows Phone 8 over the competition.

Polycarbonate isn't a premium material, is also cheap plastic. Is just a cheap plastic that doesn't looks it's coloring while getting scratch. My 5$ sunglasses are polycarbonate.

I think GS3 also has Gorilla Glass 2 if I'm not mistaken.

I don't know what puremotion display means, seems like a market name like Retina, but the Lumia does have a higher resolution than the GS3, none pentile for the matter so the screen should be superior. But smaller.

Wireless charging is a gimmick that requires you to spend extra money in order to be useful, you can't use your phone while it's charging neither.

Take in mind that the GS3 is also lighter and thinner so is more pocket-able and other great features like LED notification and those little software touches like the fact that the screen won't dim if you are looking at it.

And I don't want to get in there but it runs Android so it has more and better apps.
well. can't mess with opinions. so if you want the Ativ S fine by me :)

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