Skype using hololens? No, I doubt it.


Nov 12, 2012
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In one video demo, they show a skype conversation where the person using a tablet is annotating what the hololens wearer is seeing, like drawing arrows to the nuts on the pipe when working on that sink.

It's not the same use for skype, for for assistance and guidance where the other user needs to be able to help you with a hands-on situation, it would be quite beneficial. Imagine, as a computer geek but not too much of a car mechanic, you're broken down on the road, and call a mechanic for help. You put on the Hololens and the mechanic with his SP3 will guide you through the troubleshooting and repair of the vehicle, helping you to see what you need to see and fix what you need to fix.

Why does someone have to see you're face when skyping? If you're going to be calling your girlfriend/boyfriend and making silly faces, don't use hololens. If you're needing help with a repair, or performing emergency baby delivery in the back of a cab, then the hololens will come in pretty darn handy.

1: You probably have no Skype friends :p
2: You just described usages outside the demands of the average consumer. Since the HoloLens and Skype are supposed to be "in every home", I would expect Microsoft would need to do better...

* HoloLens retail package will include a head mountable mirror XD


Nov 12, 2012
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Yep, video calling can be used in many ways, it doesn't necessarily have to be a face-to-face conversation. Sharing what you see around you can be just as useful in some cases, just look at the popularity of the GoPro.

Said every Lumia 635 owner lol


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Sep 1, 2014
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Exactly how do you Skype with others when they cannot see your face. The demo is misguiding at this point. Hololens sees what you see. You cannot see your own face unless standing in front of a mirror. Skype with a door seems funny, isn't it?

You're aware you can voice chat right?


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
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1: You probably have no Skype friends :p
2: You just described usages outside the demands of the average consumer. Since the HoloLens and Skype are supposed to be "in every home", I would expect Microsoft would need to do better...

* HoloLens retail package will include a head mountable mirror XD

1: Rather an uneducated remark.
2: No, I just described usages that aren't currently easily available or accessible, but something that could easily become a mainstream use in the future. Imagine you and your spouse moving to another country, you have to stay behind to work for a few more weeks while your spouse is house hunting in the new country you are about to make a move to. As she walks through houses, you can see what she sees and you can discuss it together. There are more uses for this than you can shake a stick at.

* Why a mirror? So people can see the reflection of the Goggles? You still won't get a good picture of the face that way. Get over it.

If you want face to face time with Skype, just do it with your phone or computer. You want to show the other person what you're doing, use HoloLens. Why is that so difficult for some people to understand? You want someone to see your golf game from your point of view? Use HoloLens. You want to livestream yourself getting beaten by a cop after you call him a few choice names and threaten his family? Use HoloLens connected to your phone's WiFi hotspot. Well, the cop will need to wear your HoloLens for that one. LOL. If you manage to get that one, save the video. I want ot see it, LOL. YES, I'M KIDDING.


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Jun 8, 2013
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This entire argument is ridiculous. This is like saying that you can't use Facetime if your FFC camera is broken. A video chat is just two camera showing each other what they're looking at. There's no law that says it has to be pointed at your face.


Jan 3, 2013
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1: You probably have no Skype friends :p
2: You just described usages outside the demands of the average consumer. Since the HoloLens and Skype are supposed to be "in every home", I would expect Microsoft would need to do better...
You are really a small-minded person with no imagination, aren't you? These things aren't "outside the demands of the average consumer", they are simply outside of consumers' current expectations. HoloLens will broaden every consumer's horizons in ways you clearly cannot even imagine but (fortunately) not everyone is so limited in their thinking.


Nov 12, 2012
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This entire argument is ridiculous. This is like saying that you can't use Facetime if your FFC camera is broken. A video chat is just two camera showing each other what they're looking at. There's no law that says it has to be pointed at your face.
Not stopping anyone from QQing about the lack of a FFC for Skype haha

You are really a small-minded person with no imagination, aren't you? These things aren't "outside the demands of the average consumer", they are simply outside of consumers' current expectations. HoloLens will broaden every consumer's horizons in ways you clearly cannot even imagine but (fortunately) not everyone is so limited in their thinking.

Geez, I thought the head mountable mirror made it clear that I was joking
In all seriousness it is not as if people would want to have a face-to-face with a HoloLens (except for bragging rights?).. Just realized my sarcasm does not convey so well over the internet...


Nov 12, 2012
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1: Rather an uneducated remark.
2: No, I just described usages that aren't currently easily available or accessible, but something that could easily become a mainstream use in the future. Imagine you and your spouse moving to another country, you have to stay behind to work for a few more weeks while your spouse is house hunting in the new country you are about to make a move to. As she walks through houses, you can see what she sees and you can discuss it together. There are more uses for this than you can shake a stick at.

* Why a mirror? So people can see the reflection of the Goggles? You still won't get a good picture of the face that way. Get over it.

If you want face to face time with Skype, just do it with your phone or computer. You want to show the other person what you're doing, use HoloLens. Why is that so difficult for some people to understand? You want someone to see your golf game from your point of view? Use HoloLens. You want to livestream yourself getting beaten by a cop after you call him a few choice names and threaten his family? Use HoloLens connected to your phone's WiFi hotspot. Well, the cop will need to wear your HoloLens for that one. LOL. If you manage to get that one, save the video. I want ot see it, LOL. YES, I'M KIDDING.

Was a joke, I thought your uses were great. If the HoloLens is meant for indoor use it probably would not be very useful for other than what you had already mentioned. Wondering how far it can crawl through depth, and how many surfaces it can identify and track

I think the mirror could work though, bragging rights ... Going to wait a long while for Skype adoption xD


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
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I think the mirror could work though, bragging rights ... Going to wait a long while for Skype adoption xD

Bragging rights... smh. Funny thing is, even though you may be joking, a lot of people will want just that.

When I go on vacation, I take pictures of where I've been. I get home, and all I have are pictures of places, with no one I know in them, except my wife or children will be in them. Unless my wife takes the picture, I'm not in them. I don't do selfies. I only take the pictures that my wife asks me to take, which aren't as many as one would think. Less than 12 pictures on our last week long vacation. We tend to spend time "being in the moment" and enjoying where we are. Worrying about taking pictures to document it all just spoils the experience in my opinion.

When kids today go on vacation, they take selfies in front of everything, mostly obscuring what they are bragging about. Seems pointless. It's all about self and bragging. No one just enjoys being in the moment anymore. It is THIS type of person that will want the mirror on the HoloLens. smh. What has this world come to.

I think I'll just leave this conversation, and go watch My Little Pony with my little girls. They enjoy that, and I like them enjoying themselves.


Jan 3, 2013
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I couldn't agree more. When I'm taking photos I go to great lengths to ensure there are no people at all in the shot, if I can manage it. Like my mother, I don't like having my photo taken. It just seems wrong to me that anyone would place any value in it. I know what I look like, I know what I've been up to, I don't need any kind of reminder.


Nov 12, 2012
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Bragging rights... smh. Funny thing is, even though you may be joking, a lot of people will want just that.

When I go on vacation, I take pictures of where I've been. I get home, and all I have are pictures of places, with no one I know in them, except my wife or children will be in them. Unless my wife takes the picture, I'm not in them. I don't do selfies. I only take the pictures that my wife asks me to take, which aren't as many as one would think. Less than 12 pictures on our last week long vacation. We tend to spend time "being in the moment" and enjoying where we are. Worrying about taking pictures to document it all just spoils the experience in my opinion.

When kids today go on vacation, they take selfies in front of everything, mostly obscuring what they are bragging about. Seems pointless. It's all about self and bragging. No one just enjoys being in the moment anymore. It is THIS type of person that will want the mirror on the HoloLens. smh. What has this world come to.

I think I'll just leave this conversation, and go watch My Little Pony with my little girls. They enjoy that, and I like them enjoying themselves.

I bought the Nokia 808 because I hated carrying around a DSLR to take a couple of photos. Like you said, going on a vacation to spend quality time with family, not out to make a documentary

Even before phones allowed direct access to FFCs kids were using digicams in front of their bathroom mirrors XD

Gert Braakman

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May 12, 2015
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I totally agree.. there are so many useful applications that do not require you to see the other persons face. You use face to face communication only if you want to have a personal exchange. I'm trying to create an inventory of applications at


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Aug 3, 2015
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Skype: Yes.
Video calls: Why not? Get a Wi-fi WebCam and you're set.

I understand wifi webcams aren't THAT common but the technology is being marketed as we speak in the shape of IP Cams so, why not??
Last edited:


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Aug 22, 2012
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"could project a mirror in front of you" - that is a massively interesting idea. Even though for Skype call, the mirror doesn't have to be visible, Kinect has the image of everything in the room, including the person who is wearing the device. So, its not a problem. HoloLens can make a Skype call just like normal, even better it can show a 3D of the other person. People need to understand, the Kinect camera sees everything in the 3D space, not just the objects in front it.

However, the concept is bigger than that. This means the virtual objects recognize the real objects, and can interact with real objects. For example, a virtual person walk on your coffee table and play with your remote, he can't do anything about, but the face he can recognize it is very interesting.

lol, enjoyed reading this...


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Oct 6, 2015
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You are really a small-minded person with no imagination, aren't you? These things aren't "outside the demands of the average consumer", they are simply outside of consumers' current expectations. HoloLens will broaden every consumer's horizons in ways you clearly cannot even imagine but (fortunately) not everyone is so limited in their thinking.

Just like nobody could imagine using virtual keyboard before 2007, HoloLens will make people re-imagine how they use a mobile device.

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