Post Your Wallpaper

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New member
Oct 31, 2010
So far, I haven't seen this topic here so I thought I start it, so we could share our wallpapers that we use.

Anyways, post the wallpaper you are using on your windows phone.

My current one:
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Current wallpaper

I had this one for the first week that I had my phone.

I have my own version of this wallpaper as the background for "Pictures" and it serves as decoration for my home screen.

where did you find your current wallpaper?? it's quite ravishing. I would definitely like something like that, but I don't wanna steal yours specifically.

the Lost one is pretty nifty too.
Heh, this is a picture I took over 10 years ago and eventually scanned. It's my default wallpaper on just about anything. PM me if you want a higher res version.

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where did you find your current wallpaper?? it's quite ravishing. I would definitely like something like that, but I don't wanna steal yours specifically.

the Lost one is pretty nifty too.
My current wallpaper is a poster ("Walt's Kidnapping") that was part of a series commissioned for the last season of Lost. I actually have a framed print of this one, along with several others but the painterly effect of this one makes it my favorite. The artist is Drew Millward - here's his official website and here's some more of his posters.

Heh, this is a picture I took over 10 years ago and eventually scanned. It's my default wallpaper on just about anything.
Great photo! Love it! :)
I'm now using a transparent wallpaper of AC.

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Right now I'm using this one:

SpaceInvaders //4 by Maxwellito*, on Flickr

electricbopeep - Is there a way to set the background used by the pictures hub, or is that just randomly selected? What's the logic WP7 uses for selecting that?
All look great but I like the Tron Wallpaper (but my wife would kill me) and the American Flag (classy) the best.
Where did you get the tron one, been looking for one myself but with the original color, not the tint you gave it.
Used to be my dog, then I swapped it after seeing Tangled. I'm a sucker for pets and Disney.
I`ve just use a "lookatart" application to create a wallpapers from the famous art.
Here some examples:

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