Wow W10 mobile went downhill

Sergiusz Jasper

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Dec 15, 2014
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So i was away from windows mobile for few months got me a deal on a 640 xl so figured why not .
I have to say it used to work apps and all but now i find app support gone nothing is working as it did ,basically went to the dogs ....pile of **** , like what happen with mobile support.


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Feb 6, 2015
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Unfortunately, as it improves, more bugs seems to appear sometimes. I actually hate Windows 10 Mobile on my 640, because it seems to be slow and buggy. The experience feels better with native W10M phones (to me).

Sergiusz Jasper

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Dec 15, 2014
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Unfortunately, as it improves, more bugs seems to appear sometimes. I actually hate Windows 10 Mobile on my 640, because it seems to be slow and buggy. The experience feels better with native W10M phones (to me).
Its not that it is slow i see that app support is gone , no ebay ,tapatalk is not working right Facebook so so ,Amazon is crap like what happen in the last few months.


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Feb 6, 2015
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Stories ?

It's a somewhat new thing that allows people to post stories that only last for 24 hours. I would suggest downloading the official Instagram app to see for yourself. Not sure how to explain it, but I can almost guarantee that there's someone that you follow who has posted a story today. They appear with a colorful ring right before you look at the photos on Instagram.

Sergiusz Jasper

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Dec 15, 2014
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It's a somewhat new thing that allows people to post stories that only last for 24 hours. I would suggest downloading the official Instagram app to see for yourself. Not sure how to explain it, but I can almost guarantee that there's someone that you follow who has posted a story today. They appear with a colorful ring right before you look at the photos on Instagram.
Yes i hqve seen it on android goes on top and its like vid ppl place ...ok cool ty for explanation


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Nov 29, 2012
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On the plus side, the mobile web finally for a lot of sites now is really a lot better and look nice on edge. I'm glad I don't need to download a bunch of little apps for a lot of websites that's really just browsing.

I travel a lot for work and the airline check on web is convenient well formatted and well thought out.

I'm sure a lot of the sites are annoyed at maintaining apps for browsing the web and can appreciate the savings they can have with a standards compliant site.

Feels like html5, the supposed answer for everything web based it seems for years now is maybe finally ready to take center stage.


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Interesting, I've returned to use the Lumia 650 and 640(bought it for wp8.1 upgraded to w10 since) also. I haven't used it Windows 10 for quite done time but find it to be really pleasant to use now. Amazon is a Web version based app without opening the actual browser, if you feel it needs improvement, leave feedback. Instagram has come a long way and as for Facebook, you have two choices now. Microsoft and Facebook have their own Facebook app so I'm sure you'll like whichever one.

Vasil Dechkov

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Apr 8, 2016
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Interesting, I've returned to use the Lumia 650 and 640(bought it for wp8.1 upgraded to w10 since) also. I haven't used it Windows 10 for quite done time but find it to be really pleasant to use now. Amazon is a Web version based app without opening the actual browser, if you feel it needs improvement, leave feedback. Instagram has come a long way and as for Facebook, you have two choices now. Microsoft and Facebook have their own Facebook app so I'm sure you'll like whichever one.

What do you mean "you have two options for Facebook"? As far as I know you are forced to update to the Facebook Inc one.

Sent from mTalk on my Lumia 535.


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May 20, 2015
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6Tag I find frustrating because it's very difficult to post a photo from camera roll or an album. Almost every time I pick the photo and it just resets to the camera. One in 50 attempts it actually holds onto the photo. Instagram is similar but it just crashes when trying to post a photo.

Interesting, I've returned to use the Lumia 650 and 640(bought it for wp8.1 upgraded to w10 since) also. I haven't used it Windows 10 for quite done time but find it to be really pleasant to use now. Amazon is a Web version based app without opening the actual browser, if you feel it needs improvement, leave feedback. Instagram has come a long way and as for Facebook, you have two choices now. Microsoft and Facebook have their own Facebook app so I'm sure you'll like whichever one.
Microsoft's FB app is no longer available. If you still have it installed it will work so long as you don't have the FB version installed. If you uninstall the MS version you cannot install it again. Just says not available for your device.

The Facebook version is utter garbage. Totally unusable. Crash, hang, slow slow slow, crash, crash, crash. It doesn't sync contacts, doesn't do live tiles, and doesn't do live video. Oddly the desktop app they have done is far better. Fairly reliable, live tile support and does live video. Quite nice to use on a tablet.

Sent from mTalk

Player Piano

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Jan 18, 2016
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So i was away from windows mobile for few months got me a deal on a 640 xl so figured why not .
I have to say it used to work apps and all but now i find app support gone nothing is working as it did ,basically went to the dogs ....pile of **** , like what happen with mobile support.
You make a good point here. We have lost a lot of big apps in a short period of time. I was and still remain a WM faithful, but now carry two phones just to be prepared in case this situation continues to deteriorate.


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Jun 3, 2013
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Ah I never uninstalled the Microsoft fb app and use both of them. The only problem I have with the Microsoft one is that it occasionally doesn't update the newsfeed


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Sep 12, 2014
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we have come so far windows 10 mobile, so just hold on a little more as to what happens next.

Not sure about the ?so far? part if MS still can?t get the ?basics? down pat. As for holding on, suppose if retro is your thing you will stay put yet believe most live in today?s world where they keep pace with technology, don?t see WP being it.
Jan 23, 2013
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Just get 950 or 950xl or elitex3 or the new alcatel when it ll be released. W10 mobile is awesome but no on the 1ram devices! I have 950xl and the device just rocks!

Sent from Mars

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