Tech journalist's BS after W10 event


Aug 2, 2012
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Ok so here is the lead in to a story by a journalist at the WSJ that just covered the windows 10 event "the idea of Windows running on every device you own may sound terrifying. Pop-up permission requests, virus update reminders and blue screens of death everywhere? Thanks, but no thanks."

So if I could i would like to ask her if she has even used a newer Windows os - I haven't had a Blue Screen in at least 10 years, and that is in using a whole variety of both work and personal computers. Virus update reminders? Automatically updated and scans in the background. Pop up permissions? Not since using vista... If you are going to write in the tech space for a living, how about educating yourself on the subject matter...

I am inclined to take these sorts of quotes with a grain of salt largely because, lacking the rest of the article, it is completely lacking context. I am sorry but it is no different than PR people clipping quotes for a new movie for publicity claiming it is amazing when the actual point in context was the movie was amazing in how bad it was. Beyond all of that, it is also not BS. It is just an opinion that varies from your own. People really are allowed to not like Microsoft products and that massive Windows user base is a two edged sword. Everybody knows Windows but many also still have a reference old problems that did exist - many others still have XP as ultimate reference point. Just because you do not like an opinion does not make it BS. The world is full of opinions and the person is allowed to present their own....


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Apr 6, 2013
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Most of us would not mind different opinions, but dont dress up opinions, and in some cases, lies, as facts... That's BS.


Apr 9, 2013
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Joanna is the most uneducated tech journalist I have seen in quite some time. I really don't think she misleads or lies on purpose, I think she is lazy. She is a disgrace.


May 15, 2013
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I guess someone is still traumatized by the countless pop ups that users got spammed with due the internal messaging loop hole (when XP first launched, later patched out) lol.

Marquis de Faux

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Aug 21, 2014
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Almost as bad as that time "Julia Bott" wrote an article saying Windows 7 support was ending like Windows XP (complete lie), and got everyone in a huge frenzy over nothing. She purposely exaggerated the situation and ignored that fact that only *Mainstream* support was ending, and extended support continues until 2020.
These "tech" journalists just want people to hate MS.


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Aug 15, 2007
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I really believe that such a small percentage of people read tech reviews anyway and the ones that do know enough to make up their own minds.


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Dec 31, 2012
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Almost as bad as that time "Julia Bott" wrote an article saying Windows 7 support was ending like Windows XP (complete lie), and got everyone in a huge frenzy over nothing. She purposely exaggerated the situation and ignored that fact that only *Mainstream* support was ending, and extended support continues until 2020.
These "tech" journalists just want people to hate MS.

Either that or they're all just dumb.


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May 31, 2013
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Even Tech Youtubers (MKBHD, Austin, Detroitborg, etc) doesn't seem to care about MS at all. No mention about Windows 10 or even Hololens. They're all focused on their Android and Apple gadgets

Marquis de Faux

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Aug 21, 2014
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Even Tech Youtubers (MKBHD, Austin, Detroitborg, etc) doesn't seem to care about MS at all. No mention about Windows 10 or even Hololens. They're all focused on their Android and Apple gadgets

MKBHD is okay, and he gave the Lumia 1520 an excellent review.
Austin Evans does a lot of PC-related videos.

Richard Culverhouse

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Apr 14, 2014
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Upgrade and re-install problems?! LOL! I upgraded last night, it took 10 minutes or so, and everything was there. (I was surprised!) all apps were there, picture password still there, all the crap and shortcuts on the desktop were still there.
It is getting much easier with energy iteration of Windows too


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Jun 20, 2011
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We have to keep in mind the kinds of people that write these stories and how they are paid for writing them. Mouse clicks is how they make money so the bigger the target, the more outrageous the story, the bigger the paycheck. We read one story not too many weeks ago from a "blogger" who hated Windows 8.1 and could not figure it out. Turns out this cat was still on Windows XP. In 2015, a tech blogger still on XP, probably a pre-load and he is writing hate stories to his readers steering them away from Windows 8.

Jorge Holguin

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Apr 18, 2014
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Two things.
First: If you read the responses mostly are trashing her 'report' and her lack of knowledge about tech and Windows in general.
Second: WSJ I wouldn't worry to much about this news paper. In the last recent years 5 to be more precises news paper usages has gone down dramatically to the point that they have to reinvent themselves and it is not working at all. It is clear that she is a **** hurt Apple lover and anything they see as a treat they will criticized and ridicule to try to bring it down. The fact that 90% of the reviews even for those Mac and Linux users out there are positive tells a lot. Here is something that you will learn if you ever take even the simplest class of marketing. How people reaction tell something had hit a homerun:
1st: When their fierce critics actually acknowledge the product is actually good.
2nd: When the product it is well welcome by almost everybody.
3rd: When people like Mrs. Joanna Stern that clearly hasn't used a Windows products in years, and has no idea what she is talking about, has to put all this crap together because she needs to fill her space on the WSJ or does not get pay.
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Jul 7, 2014
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Well, i didn't see blue screen but virus problem is big issue.
If you aren't very careful then Windows very easily infected, even simple browsing is more than enough to do so.
and Windows got very sophisticated virus which many anti-virus may not be able to deduct.

If your priory is security than Linux would be best choice.
Among Windows, Mac OS and Linux
Linux is always very difficult to hack and Windows is very easy to hack.


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Oct 6, 2011
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Well, i didn't see blue screen but virus problem is big issue.
If you aren't very careful then Windows very easily infected, even simple browsing is more than enough to do so.
and Windows got very sophisticated virus which many anti-virus may not be able to deduct.

If your priory is security than Linux would be best choice.
Among Windows, Mac OS and Linux
Linux is always very difficult to hack and Windows is very easy to hack.

If it's Windows XP then yes, but I haven't had any issues on Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1 and I suspect that it will be the same with Windows 10.


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Oct 31, 2014
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Pop-up permission requests,
Unless you disable them (unwise, in many cases) they are still there. I get them several times a day. Try everything.exe for instance, every time I run it, a permissions box pops up.

That aside, I've not had the other issues she suggests for many years. However, I shared her misgivings when I fist became interested in Windows Phone. But I took a gamble, tried Windows Phone for myself, and I'm delighted with it. No issues at all, unlike Android what was a carnival of Forced Close errors for no obvious reason.


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Jul 7, 2014
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If it's Windows XP then yes, but I haven't had any issues on Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1 and I suspect that it will be the same with Windows 10.

I was talking about virus not blue screen of death.
Windows 7,8,8.1 or 10 all of them have virus problem.

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