How's Your Battery Life On Windows 10 Mobile


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May 6, 2015
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Post screenshots or describe your battery life, and the device you're using currently

I'm on a T-Mobile Lumia 640 the latest build I had Bluetooth on all day streamed Iheartradio for about 2 hours and another hour of streaming over Bluetooth from 100% Sat 6am to 10% now at 1230 lunch time. I have nfc off, sms backup off and I'm signed out of the integrated skype




How is the battery for you guys? Just trying to see what's the norm around here

Demian Mioc

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Jan 12, 2015
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I'm using Lumia 535, latest insider preview. I charge my phone every 24 hours or more. It has everything enabled, Cortana, sync, backup, find location, all notifications enabled, although some without sound and vibration, cellular always on, except when on Wi-Fi at home. Home screen with over 30 tiles, almost all of them live and updating all the time.
Brightness always on medium, maybe one hour at night is set to low. Lock screen is set on 15 minutes to lock device. Somewhat normal usage, calling, messaging, skype, Whatsapp, few pictures, Edge, MSN News and Groove gets my Lumia 535 on build .63 at 31% of battery left at the end of the day.
Groove is always playing in the background on earphones, even when I'm not listening it, to lazy to pause or stop it. Battery saver says 91% is active use, while 9% is background use. Edge and Groove show battery usage over 50% together, next is Vlc, Photos, Start and Phone. Over night battery gets drained mostly 3%. I've noticed if Edge isn't used all day, phone survives 2 and a half days with Groove playing and MSN News reading without charge.
Conclusion, Edge needs more optimizations battery wise, along with Groove and inbuilt phone & messaging apps.


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May 29, 2014
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My 950 does not do well. Most things disabled, on latest build, and have to keep cellular data off or I am charging by 11am. If I use wifi only, then I charge at about 3pm. Shameful the game that MS is playing. We are no longer customers, we have become cheap beta testers.

Demian Mioc

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Jan 12, 2015
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Why did u set the lock screen to 15 mins? Is that some kind of battery saving tip?

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No, it's quite the opposite! Battery drains faster when lock screen is set to higher value. Battery wise, it's best to set the "Screen times out" lock screen setting to 30 seconds or 1 minute, it preserves your battery, live tiles stop spinning after 30 seconds without user interaction, and if you have automatic brightness (sometimes it automatically turns to high in bright sunlight conditions, which depletes battery but ensures sunlight readability) you save battery even more.
15 minutes lock screen delay works to me very well, I simply like to see my Start menu, along with transparency and Bing image of the day automatically set each morning as my background picture.


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Jul 6, 2013
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Well, your 535 battery usage is quite impresive and to be be honest - it is hard for me to believe. Yet, I am not stating that you are a liar :) I believe lower spec can do the trick - always wondered that 640 XL should be monster on battery time. :)

As mine 930 was quite an eater with older build, but with latest it is quite satisfying. Mostly I leave my home in the morning at 100%, during the work time I use my phone rarely, messaging or to check something, but after work hours I am quite busy with the phone - messaging, facebook, news, camera and around 10PM my phone is at 30%. If I am not using it too much it could be at 50-60%.

With previous builds it drained my battery more at still mode, then I wasn't using the phone. It was like there was no difference if I use it or not, it discharged the same.

Demian Mioc

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Jan 12, 2015
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Well, your 535 battery usage is quite impresive and to be be honest - it is hard for me to believe. Yet, I am not stating that you are a liar :) I believe lower spec can do the trick - always wondered that 640 XL should be monster on battery time. :)

As mine 930 was quite an eater with older build, but with latest it is quite satisfying. Mostly I leave my home in the morning at 100%, during the work time I use my phone rarely, messaging or to check something, but after work hours I am quite busy with the phone - messaging, facebook, news, camera and around 10PM my phone is at 30%. If I am not using it too much it could be at 50-60%.

With previous builds it drained my battery more at still mode, then I wasn't using the phone. It was like there was no difference if I use it or not, it discharged the same.

I've been on Insider mobile builds since second build, testing it on Lumia 630 and later on 535. Earlier builds drained battery severely, i remember 630 being depleted in about 2 hours. It was improved later, though. Comparing Lumia 630 and 535 on 8.1 and Windows 10 mobile builds from August till build .63 from 8th January 2016, I found Windows 10 mobile to deplete battery about 10% faster than 8.1, or lasting ~48 hours, ~10 hours less than 8.1. Note that each new build depletes battery faster in a first few days, only to normalize after that period.
Strangely I've found 535 better on W10m than 630, battery wise, but I'm amazed how well 630 performs on W10m, taking different specs into consideration.

Note: I don't know if you have double tap to wake and Hey Cortana active, they drain battery also, while Cortana being massive battery hog few builds ago. If I recall there are numerous posts about poor battery performance of Lumia 930, on 8.1. too. Also you must be aware how to take care of your battery, how and when to properly charge, and don't expect miracles from battery 2 or 3 years old. Difference between new and old battery should also be taken into consideration.


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Jan 22, 2016
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I'm using Lumia 620 10586.63 (wifi + location + cortana are on) - Battery life is exactly the same like in WP8.1 (really short ;) )


Apr 16, 2015
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My 950 does not do well. Most things disabled, on latest build, and have to keep cellular data off or I am charging by 11am. If I use wifi only, then I charge at about 3pm. Shameful the game that MS is playing. We are no longer customers, we have become cheap beta testers.

Same onXL battery sux


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Jul 6, 2013
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Note: I don't know if you have double tap to wake and Hey Cortana active, they drain battery also, while Cortana being massive battery hog few builds ago. If I recall there are numerous posts about poor battery performance of Lumia 930, on 8.1. too. Also you must be aware how to take care of your battery, how and when to properly charge, and don't expect miracles from battery 2 or 3 years old. Difference between new and old battery should also be taken into consideration.

I am only using double tap to wake, no Cortana or glance screen.
My battery isn't that old, because I bought my phone new not even 1 year ago.
Well, I can't complain about 930 battery much, since it is holding better than Samsung S4 with almost same spec for example.

Vladimir Ka

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Jan 7, 2016
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I use my 905XL from 7AM-4PM for 2-3hr of actual use (unlocked screen stats) and I still have over 50-60% left.. By 11pm I have 20-30% left
One day I even forgot to pull it in at night and still had battery in the morning. And I barely use wifi ever..

One week's average batter use breakdown:
System: 16.7%
Display: 70:7%
Wifi: 3.1%
Mobile data: 9.4%

In use: 87.2%
Background: 12.8%

Manfred Pohler

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Jan 20, 2014
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I take my 950 XL normally in the morning about 7:30 fully loaded.
During a working day I do:
answer about 10-20 Emails
have about 50-100 Message in Telegram
Check some news (about 30 Minutes in total).
Have about 10-30 Minutes phone calls.
2 Mail Account (Exchange, Outlook) both set to "Notify when arrives"
Facebook (Notifications and several posts / read) - totally about 15 Minutes

And when I return home a about 6pm I'm between 75 and 90% of load.

The initial question was about "battery usage on Win 10 Mobile".
I also have a 930 updated from 8.1 to 10.
After some "initial" drain (I just guess there were a lot of downloads / updates going on) for about a day I would say I see no difference at all.

One thing - Edge keeps tabs open - and it seems as if there are to much (active pages) this is consumes power.
But this is just a guess - from time to time (after surfing) I go there "Close all tabs" and that's it.


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Jan 9, 2016
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I've got a 950 XL and I usually take mine off of the charger around 8 am. I can usually make it until almost midnight without it going on the charger. Some of that time is with limited usage. However, I have Bluetooth on all day as I have a Band 2 and it does connect to my car to use Cortana. I have screen brightness set to 25%. WiFi is on all day. It usually gets close to 20% around 10 or 11 pm. Overall though, I've been impressed with it. On a heavy day with the XL I still usually end up with about 40-50% left around 5 pm, but with almost any Android phone I've ever used that would've left me well below 20%.


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Jan 22, 2016
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and if you turn these off you'll find its different ;)

I have had it turned off but I want to tinker with Cortana so location was necessary for that and I disable wifi everytime I go out somewhere.
Maybe I'm just lucky, but battery life is really the same or close to as it was on WP8.1

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