SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!?

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Erik Read

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Apr 18, 2014
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Let me respond to the people who are saying get over it and get a new phone already. The W10M user share is abysmally small and MS should really be trying to keep as much of that group as happy as possible. If 50% of the users are using a phone that can't upgrade...again that is 50% less of a user base that developers will to make money off of.
I kept my 1020 updated as long as possible. It was ok on the Insider builds. My hope was that as with most pre-release builds of software, it was more bloated than it needed to be and that MS would optimize it by release time (take out debug/logging code). That is not happening enough to make it a satisfactory experience on some phones. I get it.
So, in response to the Get Over It crowd, I did get a new phone. I got an iPhone 6S+. I believe that the iPhone 4 can still run iOS 9.3 after almost 6 years on the market. Is it a great experience, probably not. Are all of the features there? Nope. But Apple has done a far better job in phone market of creating loyalty even to those people who can't or don't want to upgrade very often. I am not a ****** of any company. I have a Surface Book, the original Surface Pro, L1020, iPhone 6S+, MacBook Pro (2011), iPad Air, some Android tablet that I hate, and some other odds and ends. MS has done a great job of creating loyalty in the PC market but not so much in mobile market where Apple has been the exact opposite (I don't think my Mac Book will supported much longer). If MS is SERIOUS about the mobile market it has to create loyalty. This Get Over It and get a new phone is just wrong. Most people will get a new phone when they want to. If they are told they 'have' to then that's when they start looking around. That's what I did and believe me I really liked Windows Phone (720/920/1020).


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I've got a 1020 running 14295 via the registry hack. It's slow, and the battery life isn't good, but overall I'm happy with the way it runs, considering its old processor which wasn't that great to begin with. I plan on using mine for at least a year or so, unless the battery life becomes unacceptable...that plus my 640 (and Galaxy S5) are enough phone for me until the mythical surface phone comes out.


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I've got a Lumia Icon.

I wouldn't want to run Win10M on it anyway as my Daily Driver. I've got an iPhone 6S+ while I wait for MSFT to sort this all out and get a worthy device and OS put together. Not going to compromise anymore. iPhone 6S+ is the STANDARD MSFT will need to beat before I go back!

Same here, BEYOND pissed off that Microsoft updates the 930 but, wont do the ICON (SAME PHONE).

My ICON now sits...I am using the LG G3 till Microsoft gets their crap together here.

I'll admit, it is nice to have local apps, my bank's app, and Tap to Pay that works everywhere.....Sigh, Although I love Windows Phone, it still is missing so much...


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May 29, 2014
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928 on 164. Slow at times, fast at times. For MS to not support this phone is understandable.
My 640 is a lot faster.


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Sep 6, 2014
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Lumia 1020 (mine) and 920 (wife's) running Insider Release Preview (.164). They are both running really well -- fast, slick, smooth. They feel like new phones. I updated both straight from 8.1 nearly a week ago. My wife is delighted because her battery (920) actually lasts *longer* on 10 than on 8.1. The reason for this is that the standby on both phones is excellent in W10M: low battery drain despite Wi-Fi on and receiving notifications. As it happens, my wife only uses her phone when someone sends her a WhatsApp, to check her email and to take the odd photo. So this is perfect for her. I use my 1020 more heavily, and there the battery lasts about 70% of what it did on 8.1, but the phone is quite elderly now and I didn't expect good battery life. I'm loving this upgrade, and wish MS would at least allow us to get Redstone via Windows Insider without having to root the phone. If MS supports us, I'd be much more likely to buy a Windows Phone again when there is an adequate replacement for the 1020's camera.


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2 Lumia 928 (i get why these would be left off the official update; had issues with W10M running smooth and consistent on the Lumia 928)
1 Lumia 929 (aka Lumia Icon) Icon should be updated as its basically the 930 with Verizon radios


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Apr 29, 2013
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If you dont mind could you please run antutu benchmarks on both phones and post me a reply . I just wanna know how well windows mobile runs in older devices. Created a thread for it myself. No luck so far. My score is 32519. Windows 10 mobile runs so well in my lumia 920. That i thought of checking what went wrong.

Sure, I used AnTuTu app on both and 1020 shows 32613 whereas 435 has got 23980 rating. I used the new app which was featured in the article below:

Varun Rajan

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Sep 24, 2015
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