When I use Yahoo why do my user names all stay there? How can I delete them?

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Windows Central Question

When I use Yahoo why does my "user names" all stay there? How can I delete them?

Whatever user name I put in when I use Yahoo mail the users names all stay there and I want to delete them. Can I? This is a new computer with Windows 10 and I do not have this problem on my older computer using Windows 7.
Can you tell me how to delete them and just put in the user name I want?


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Apr 20, 2014
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Re: When I use Yahoo why does my "user names" all stay there? How can I delete them?

I think you need to be a bit clearer in what your problem is.

Are you using the Yahoo mail app that you can get in the store or are you using a Yahoo mail account with the Outlook mail app that comes pre-installed, or are you using a browser to get to Yahoo mail?

You say "Users names" and "User name", are these log in names or another way of saying contacts.

I suggest you sign up, give us a bit more information and I am sure someone will try to help you (Sorry I don't use Yahoo mail so it probably wont be me).

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