continuum on Redstone

Naushaba Khatoon

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Apr 20, 2016
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Well everyone knows that on the Red Stone build of Windows 10 we will be able to use Continuum on our laptop which should also be on Red Stone but I also wanted to know that does this required any specific hardware? I mean do I have need to have an expensive laptop to do this or will it work on just any Windows 10 laptop or any Windows 7 tablet which is running the latest windows redstone build I assume it must not require any specific hardware because if we can have a dumbbell laptop without any processing power like the next dog or the laptop accessory extender for the HP Elite X3 then a laptop with already processor and Ram and other things in it it should be even be able to use Continuum so this is what I just wanted to be sure because I am about to buy a new laptop and a new smartphones which will most probably be the Lumia 950 XL and that is why I want to know if I should buy a touch screen laptop with rahil gain laptop offer will a low end laptop be enough

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