Prediction, Windows phone 8 will see mass adoption and become a major player in the mobile market be


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Mar 15, 2013
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Microsoft was originally planing on having the New Xbox be online connected at all times to work; after the whole Adam Orth fiasco, Microsoft leads us to believe that this always online will be optional now so I started to think, "How could always online be useful?"

We know that the New Xbox will be running Windows 8 and that it will become our new DVRs. With Windows Blue (8.1) fast approaching which is rumored to make all of our Microsoft devices more connected I believe we will be able to do the following on Windows Phone 8: we will have the ability to steam recorded TV strait to WP8, possibly watch live TV, have access to a unified marketplace (Windows Store & Windows Store for Mobile.), having the ability to play Xbox Arcade Games on our phone and possibly, have the option to stream full retail games to our devices like OnLive with our Xbox acting as our server. I can now see why Microsoft would be pushing for a always online connected Xbox if they were heading in this direction.

Some of you might ask yourselves how on earth would you play a full retail game on a touch screen, well I believe the new Xbox controller will be compatible with all devices, not just Xbox.

In conclusion, if WP8 is this tightly integrated will the Xbox, I believe this will be a massive game changer and will be seeing a lot more WP8s in the wild.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and prediction.


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Mar 1, 2012
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I will have to see the platforms come together before I believe or predict anything. I thought that windows 8 and wp8 would be so connected that it would make life easy. That didn't exactly happen. It has gotten better overtime but far from where it should be.

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