Calling regular phone number trough new W10M Skype experience?


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May 7, 2013
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If you have Skype credits, is it possible to call regular mobile/landline phone number trough new Windows 10 mobile Skype experience? Or do you need the seperate Skype app for that? Currently I don't see how I can call a regular phone number via Skype with the new Skype experience.


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Apr 20, 2014
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So you have to pay to use Skype? I thought skype would act like FaceTime on Apple or Hangouts on Android!

Skype to Skype is free, Skype to phone number isn't.

So even if you have Skype on your phone and you are calling another Skype user who has it on a phone, it is free, you are calling using the Internet so effectively call over IP.

If you call the same phone from Skype but use the persons phone number, you are no longer calling over the Internet and are using some one else's telephony equipment and you need to pay.

So just make sure you don't call phone numbers.

PS If you do want to call phone numbers that is when you buy Skype credit, and to the OP it does look like you need the app as it is the only way to input a phone number, although if someone has texted or called you and they are in your phone book/contacts list maybe you can call them.

Just tested this, a new contact had sent me a text, so I can now call him from the messaging and Skype App and I suppose it will use Skype Credit although it actually just looks like a mobile call so maybe not.
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May 29, 2014
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I would also like to know if Microsoft plans on integrating Skype fully (including dialing) into the new Phone app. This would complete the entire new integrated Skype experience, allowing messaging, video, and voice over Skype from within the native apps without needing a separate Skype app. I hope this will come.


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Apr 20, 2014
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Not in the know at all, but I do believe what we are seeing at the moment is very early days in the move to integrate Skype to the OS and then other systems into it as well, for example in the messaging app on the phone you can see Skype IM's and standard texts, but on PC's tablets you only see the Skype IM's, I believe they intend to have the texting messages show up and for you to be able to text from your PC.

As an example if someone now calls your phone and you miss the call, Cortana can let you know on your PC and you can then text them back from your PC, at the moment this is Cortana and missed calls only but it shows what can be done.

The potential is very interesting, but for now we are still in the early stages.

However I still think there is room for a proper universal Skype app, based on the already working and developed WP and Xbox One versions for users who want to use Skype on tablets because the desktop version just doesn't work on a 7 inch tablet let alone much cop on a Surface Pro 3 in tablet mode.


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Oct 1, 2012
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Need this feature as well. For now I'm going to have to re-install the Skype app which sux because that app rings instead of the built in one.

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