Axy Galaxy puts both gravity and your patience to the test on Windows Phone

Windows Central

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Dec 17, 2013
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Some games are designed for the player to rush through, and then there are games like Axy Galaxy that demand your patience, lest you rush and ruin it all. Axy Galaxy places you in charge of an astronaut and the tiny planet on which you've crash landed. In the process, your payload's been scattered all around and you need to retrieve it. But instead of driving around or flying your rocket, you turn the planet and roll around the surface. Simple, right? Sure, until you spin to fast and fling your astronaut deep into space.
Along with contending with the lack of gravity, you will also find dangers on the planet's surface, as well as dangers floating in space that you will have to avoid.
Available in the Windows Phone Store, Axy Galaxy has ninety levels spread across three worlds. Graphics and animations are nicely drawn up and it takes a soft touch to avoid sending the astronaut off into space. First impressions are good and Axy Galaxy comes across as a fun time waster of a Windows Phone game.

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