Do you plan to ditch Windows Mobile for the Galaxy S8?

Windows Central

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Dec 17, 2013
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Even for diehard Windows phone loyalists, it's getting hard, or at least harder, to stay the course and stick with Microsoft's mobile OS. Samsung's impressive new Galaxy S8 (GS8) smartphone is one reason why.
If you're a phone geek like most of us at Windows Central, you'd be hard put not at least be mildly intrigued by Samsung's impressive new GS8 smartphone. It's powerful, great looking and feature-packed. Hell, there's even a special "Microsoft Edition" of the phone.
The phone is undoubtedly going to draw a lot of people away from other platforms, including Windows Mobile, and also Apple's iOS. But what about you? Is the GS8 the phone that will finally draw you away from Windows Mobile?

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...


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Mar 11, 2012
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No. Microsoft is ditching me. The app gap never bothered me. There may only be one or two apps I with WM10 had. But between the cancellation of Band and the lack of Mobile development, it feels like Microsoft is giving up on the consumer market. They may have a long view, and I've defended it in the past. But the truth is I cannot help but feel Microsoft is abandoning the mobile fanbase. Since I cannot bring myself to deal with Apple again, I'm grabbing the Galaxy S8.

I've gone from iPhone to HP Pre 3, to Windows Mobile, and now to Android. I left iPhone due to the condescension of its leadership over antennae-gate. HP canceled webOS. Microsoft effectively canceled Windows Mobile. So, I'm stuck with Android.

I'm not leaving Windows Mobile. It left me.


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Sep 7, 2014
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Yep, just ordered a S8+. For many years I've put up with MS and how many times they have dropped support like the Band2 etc. Funny that after I placed the Pre-Order I'm thinking am I doing the right thing? Then my 950 says it needs to reboot to install a CU and like every time MS pushes out an update, after the reboot, it just freezes on the MS logo. Hard Reset for the millionth time. Then I'm thinking, yes this is the correct decision. Then I do the update on my wife's 950 and BAM, same thing frozen, so hard reset coming for that one too!!


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May 24, 2013
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Yes i have it now :) and currently typing this on it. Its my first andriod phone. Please please do a post on how to set it up so that all my microsoft app are my default apps and i also need to know how to sync my outlook contacts to my phone


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Apr 14, 2014
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Using my s8+ now and it's actually amazing. I wish the Always On Display had the option to show detailed notification for an app like Glance on my 950xl but I've just worked out how to have Double Tap To Wake that I never expected. You just double tap the virtual home button twice then swipe anywhere much like my Lumia so all is not lost.
I had an iPhone 7 plus before this and kept putting it down and picking up my Lumia at every opportunity because it was pretty boring but now my Lumia gets a bit less attention than before

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