Chime in: Are you STILL using a Windows Phone? If, yes, why?

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It's 2018. Are you STILL using a Windows Phone? We want to know why if so!
Although Microsoft has officially confirmed that it is no longer focused on progressing Windows 10 Mobile in the hardware or software space, there are many out there who continue to use Windows phone to this day. It's 2018, and at some point those people are going to have to give in and get something else, right?

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...


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Mar 15, 2011
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Still have a 950 (fast ring) as my daily driver. The reason is simple, you can't find a comparable hardware set outside of $800-$1000 flagships, and none of them give me enough of an upgrade to matter. For apps I am fine between UWP, legacy native, and ever improving web apps, and the support for O365 just can't be beat. I routinely use wired and wireless Continuum around campus and you are looking at a top of the line Galaxy or Mate to even come close in functionality. The only thing I envy is Galaxy Note pen entry, but I'll wait for Andromeda with Surface Pen integration.


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Jun 2, 2017
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On occasion I'll pull out one of my three and take it for a spin (all on 10), using a 950 right now as my secondary. Why? Because I'd have to pay someone to take em so might as well keep them around, also there's a wee bit of enjoyment using them :winktongue:


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Apr 1, 2012
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The collection in the picture is eerily similar to my own. I have a Treo 700, iPaq 910, HTC Trophy and Idol 4S. I guess I'm not too disturbed.

Geert van Horrik

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Because it works great & does all I need it to do (950XL). Why should I buy a new phone (I see this mentioned a *lot* on Windows Central) if the current one works fine & gets security updates? Sometimes sites like these make you feel like a loser by using a Windows Phone, not sure why though. No need to "dump", "ditch" or "drop" a great phone. Why would I spent hundreds of dollars for a concept (smartphone) that is dying anyway? The good thing about Windows Phone: it makes you more social and less worried about all the latest hypes, I spend less time on my phone screen which I can use with family & friends instead.


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Geert makes a great point. With all the recent security issues that have plagued the market, it is comfortable to know MS has kept my phone nice and updated.


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Oct 1, 2014
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Still using my Icon as a daily driver. I have everything I need with it except snapchat. And I never use snapchat. Maybe I'll get a 950XL when the Icon dies. I plan to stick with WP until it no longer works. Goolag phones just don't appeal to me and iphones are way overpriced.


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Jun 2, 2016
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I still use my 950 as my sole phone. But due to it being me who has to deal with phones, tablets, and computers in our household, I too am leaving to go with Android instead. I'll get an Xperia Compact of some sort.

THe actual reason, apart it being easier for me to have everything running the same (daughter's and her mother's stuff) is that there are apps I need. I don't actually need much, but there is "contact" software for my daughter's school I need to run.
Now, if a windows phone could run .exe files, I could get around it.

I am, however, pushing it as far ahead as I can. I will miss the look and the usability of the Windows OS immensely.


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Dec 3, 2012
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Still using the Elite X3 - I'll move off it when nothing works anymore. It's funny - I really feel like people are missing out on a great phone experience. I'm also being somewhat purposefully defiant because I just refuse to give in to the mass media hype who seem to think they know best (iPhone/android) - they contributed to killing Windows Phone so I refuse to let them "win". And yes I mean that...

DeZforPreZ xx

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Jan 21, 2018
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I too am clinging on for principal. My 8xt is just starting to struggle with web content; yet I love the os. I think flagship HTCs would be great hardware for a WP comeback. They've worked well together in the past.


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Feb 14, 2016
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I have three Windows phones, a Lumia 640, 830 and 950 dual sim. The 640 is still on 8.1 and no longer used; the 830 is on Windows 10 insider slow ring while the 950 was until this weekend my main phone. The 950 is far better than most, if not all, of the Android/IOS camp realise and, with the dual sim version, you can have two sims AND a microSD card. Then there's the removable battery (and Windows phones don't, to my knowledge, spontaneously ignite...).
But I thought I'd give Android another go, so when my local service provider managed to get dual sim Note 8s, I took the plunge, and just under £700 over two years interest free isn't too painful for me. I used to have a Note 2 back in the day, until I jumped to Windows, so we will see how the new beast fares. There are also some apps I am likely to need for work.
But (and this is a big but) I am not totally abandoning Windows phones. The 950 will also continue in use as a second phone, and if the Andromeda device materialises I shall definitely get that.


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Aug 14, 2017
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Is it crazy to not currently own a Windows Phone and still kinda, sorta, want to buy a Windows Phone? I only used Windows Phone 7 and that was the first smartphone I really liked.


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Jun 2, 2017
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I'm also being somewhat purposefully defiant because I just refuse to give in to the mass media hype who seem to think they know best (iPhone/android) - they contributed to killing Windows Phone so I refuse to let them "win". And yes I mean that...

Umm sorry. No one contributed to killing Windows Phone other than MSFT themselves, if they hadn't been so hell bent on their indecisiveness/change-of-directions w/Mobile there would not have been the wrath of negative media hype.


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Jun 2, 2017
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Is it crazy to not currently own a Windows Phone and still kinda, sorta, want to buy a Windows Phone? I only used Windows Phone 7 and that was the first smartphone I really liked.

Nope don't think so. I have three Window Phones although not often are they used (Droid is now my go-to) yet keep eying up the Alcatel IDOL 4S due to the present price cut, and kinda curious how the SD820 performs w/W10M over my 950's SD808. Theeeen I think it's just the tech junkie in me is playing head games again LOL.
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Jan 14, 2018
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I love photography... mobile one. And there is no phone today for that price i payed my L950 that gives me OIS, 20mp zeiss, great camera software, 2k display and physical shutter button.


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Apr 1, 2012
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Nope don't think so. I have three Window Phones although not often are they used (Droid is now my go-to) yet keep eying up the Alcatel IDOL 4S due to the present price cut, and kinda curious how the SD820 performs w/W10M over my 950's SD808. Theeeen I think it's just the tech junkie in me is playing head games again LOL.
It'll smoke your 950. The Idol and Elite x3 really show off what the 820 is capable of.


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Nov 2, 2011
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I get the whole "has all the apps I need" argument but you mean to tell me that not one Windows 10 Mobile user drives for Uber or Lyft, or enjoys watching live cable TV on their phone away from home as well as at home on WiFi, or play full games on PlayStation emulators or similar? Or do all these options currently exist in the Windows Store?
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