The Cortana team answers your top questions about international expansion, Jen Taylor and more

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Dec 17, 2013
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[h=3]Marcus Ash and Sandeep Paruchuri reply to your Cortana questions[/h]A few days ago, we presented a rare opportunity to ask the Cortana team ? represented by Marcus Ash and Sandeep Paruchuri ? direct questions about Cortana's international rollout (Alpha and Beta programs), and the process therein.
After the big announcement in China about Cortana's expansion, the team managed to squeeze time in to pick some of your top questions and provide us the answers late last night. Therefore, without further ado, here is the Cortana team answering your best questions.
If you want insight into the differences between Alpha and Beta Cortana, or why Jen Taylor is not coming to the UK, then you must read on, you do not want to miss this!

Full story from the WPCentral blog...


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Jan 21, 2014
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I hear that Cortana alpha is being released to other English speaking countries like Australia and India. Question, what about other countries that formerly speaks other languages but actually have English as one of the other main language used? I'm talking about Malaysia, Singapore. Are we ever gonna see Cortana released here? We don't even care if it's not entirely suited to our region, we get it, south east Asia has a mixture of too many culture and language all within a closer proximity to one another, but English is still widely used. The English did colonized us you know... We do speak pretty good English, and all the American media that makes it to our shores, we know all your slang y'all! Give us Cortana!

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