Freda vs Kindle: Which is best for reading on Windows 10?

Windows Central

WinC Bot
Staff member
Dec 17, 2013
Even the thickest PC is lighter than a stack of books, but picking a reading app on Windows 10 isn't cut and dry.

Reading books on electronic devices as about as mainstream as reading off of ink and paper, but picking an ecosystem to read your books on can be challenging. You have to weigh your decision based on the devices you own, what you plan to buy, and the type of content that you'd like to read. In addition to picking an ecosystem or setup that works for you, having an app to read your content is essential.

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Call me a cheapskate but I download books into the Edge reader, and because I'm not a huge fan of actually reading, I use the Read Aloud feature in Edge. Usually match the voice to the book. For example reading Sherlock Holmes and the Shakespeare Globe Murders currently, with Microsoft Sean Mobile voice (Irish).

BTW if M$ is into this AI thing for real they should put about 1K of their 8K AI employees on teaching the Read Aloud feature to tell the difference between past and present tense. Poor Microsoft Sean always pronounces the word "read" as "reed", regardless of the fact that 99% of the time that word is used in past tense in books, and so should be pronounced "red". I.E. "Watson 'reed' the inscription on the book and smiled".

Teach your Edge reader the difference between past and present tense in a book and I'll be an A.I. believer M$!
Funny, I just went through this today. Freda on my laptop seems nice but pulled down Light Reader on my 950XL and it's a pretty intuitive reader, for that form factor at least. My use case includes Mobi/ePub books now. Had always enjoyed the Kindle reader prior to that need.
Re: Freda vs Kindle: Which is best for reading on Windows

Actually, I just discovered Libby on my Windows 10 Mobile phone. Overdrive broke a while ago, but this app, while no longer being maintained, is working well. I can use Libby to borrow books from the library once again, and read them from within the Libby app on my phone.
Kobo is my clear choice. Basically a Canadian Kindle, but not as locked down. Import form your library or other source, and has a very well stocked store.
Isn't the most important factor, where the books are sourced from? Where do you find your books?

I prefer audio books and I use Audible. I don't listen often enough to justify the subscription, I just buy the occasional books I want to listen to. Audible also has a "daily deal" for registered users including non-subscription users.

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