Cyberpunk 2077 absolutely blew us away — here's why

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Dec 17, 2013
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At Gamescom 2018, we saw Cyberpunk 2077 in action for the first time. And we spent the hours following the presentation utterly dumbfounded. What an incredible ride.

CD Projekt RED is responsible for crafting what is arguably this generation's best game, in the form of The Witcher 3. The Witcher 3, at the time, featured some truly unprecedented world building, visuals, and writing, with stellar third-person swordsmanship combat and piles of RPG layers on top for good measure. CD Projekt RED won itself praise for its support of The Witcher 3 post-launch too, which saw features and quality-of-life improvements filter in from fan requests, as well as two large expansions adding dozens of hours of additional story content.
CD Projekt RED set themselves a high bar for any future project they shipped. If what I saw this week at Gamescom 2018 was anywhere near the final product, Cyberpunk 2077 won't just shatter even the grandest of expectations, it will raise the bar for all of gaming for years to come.
It might seem counter-intuitive since I am writing about Cyberpunk 2077, but if you're a fan of CD Projekt RED's work, my honest recommendation is to avoid reading or viewing any previews about this game, including this one. Go into it completely in the dark, and have your mind blown in the same way I have. If you do want to learn more, then please, read on, friends.

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