What Would You Do?


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Apr 27, 2011
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Not sure if this is the right place for this thread but here goes.

I really want a Windows Phone, however, I have a dilemna. I'm in love with the HD7S (even with it's flaws), I just don't know if I should use my upgrade on it. I know, I know, you don't even have to say it: "Wait for Mango!!" I just can't; I'm using a Pixi Plus and if any of you have ever been graced with a TMC error you know why. The only current WP7 device that catches my eye is the HD7/HD7S.

Should I use my upgrade on the HD7S or try to buy a WP7 off ebay to tie me over til Mango devices hit? Do you think the Mango devices will be THAT advanced to regret getting the HD7S?

1 more question, if I were to buy a European GSM phone would it work on AT&T's 3G or only on 2G?

Thanks for any advice either way.


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Dec 6, 2010
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I'd try to get something off ebay or craigslist. I wouldn't waste a upgrade. That's a 2 year commitment. It's only a few more months for new hardware.
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread but here goes.

I really want a Windows Phone, however, I have a dilemna. I'm in love with the HD7S (even with it's flaws), I just don't know if I should use my upgrade on it. I know, I know, you don't even have to say it: "Wait for Mango!!" I just can't; I'm using a Pixi Plus and if any of you have ever been graced with a TMC error you know why. The only current WP7 device that catches my eye is the HD7/HD7S.

Should I use my upgrade on the HD7S or try to buy a WP7 off ebay to tie me over til Mango devices hit? Do you think the Mango devices will be THAT advanced to regret getting the HD7S?

1 more question, if I were to buy a European GSM phone would it work on AT&T's 3G or only on 2G?

Thanks for any advice either way.
IDK about the European deal.


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Apr 15, 2011
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if you're an att subscriber, their no commitment pricing for current subscribers isn't too bad, or you can try CL/ebay.

or you can buy the hd7s on contract and CL/ebay/no commitment the gen2 hardware.

as for european GSM, just check their bands to make sure the WCDMA frequencies match AT&T (850 and 1900mhz iirc) and it should work fine for att 3g provided it's provisioned and network unlocked.

as to what i'd do:

i'd probably see how much they're going for on ebay/cl and then compare that to the no commitment pricing. if i can afford it contract free, i'd do that. if i can't i'd sign a contract and then start saving to buy some gen2 hardware free and clear in the fall.


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Dec 22, 2010
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An HD7 can be had for $235 on eBay so figuring you can sell that for at least $100 by fall that seems like a safe bet.



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Mar 1, 2011
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I'd probably pay no commitment pricing on the HD7s and keep the phone until sometime next year. By then Nokia will probably have some higher quality WP7 phones on the market. Plus I'm sure Nokia's app store will blow the other manufactures out of the water.


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Feb 12, 2011
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I would wait for the fall release of both the updated OS (Mango) and new devices for new contract. Can always get a phone off ebay/craigslist until then like I and many others did ;)


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Apr 15, 2011
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the thing is, the OP wants the HD7s for at&t, which is going to be a newly launched phone, as such, the 3rd party pricing for it will be higher than the HD7, which has been out for some time now.

i would still get it off contract now if you can afford it and get the new hotness on contract in the fall.

then you can sell the Hd7s and recoupe a decent chunk of the new phones price.

Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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I'd say if you like the HD7S get it on contract it will get some Mango love in the fall. Why wait 4 or 5 months to get a great device. If something better comes out down the line worry about it then.


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Dec 9, 2010
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Thats what I am going to do. I dont expect anything too spectacular this fall and the only thing that matters to me would be a front facing camera, and I honestly have no idea when we might see one of those. Hopefully sometime next year, but there are no guarantees.


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Jan 30, 2011
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What would you dooooo, for a Klondike bar?

Edit: sorry I know I didn't really contribute here but that's the first thing that popped into my head when I read the subject lol.


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May 27, 2011
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well best buy has a lot of WP7 phones for free w/ contract, and you can return them after 30 days and get your upgrade back. I don't know how many times they'd let you do this but maybe you could string it out till mango?


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Apr 27, 2011
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Thank you all for the advice. After thinking about it, I don't see anything really new coming out this fall other than jeffdunn said like a front facing camera or 4G; both of which I don't have real use for. I like the idea of getting the HD7S now and simply selling down the road if something is cool. I'm gonna wait for Sunday to see what the actual device is like and see how the pricing will be.

Again, thanks for the quick responses and helpful advice.


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Apr 27, 2011
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alright well feel free to say i told ya so, but i've decided to wait for mango devices. i'm gonna buy a surround off ebay and just have 1 question. If i get one that has been carrier unlocked will it still receive the mango update? or is that something i need to stay away from? i searched on here but didn't find a clear answer. Thanks


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Jan 30, 2011
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alright well feel free to say i told ya so, but i've decided to wait for mango devices. i'm gonna buy a surround off ebay and just have 1 question. If i get one that has been carrier unlocked will it still receive the mango update? or is that something i need to stay away from? i searched on here but didn't find a clear answer. Thanks
Yes, all WP7 devices will be receiving the update. Carrier unlocked devices actually got the previous updates before the subsidized devices did due to "carrier testing", however I think Microsoft is wanting to change that by releasing the mango update to all devices simultaneously. The only way I see them accomplishing that is by not releasing the update until all carriers have given them the green light. Even with that though, they've promised a fall release so we'll see how that works out in a couple of months...


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Apr 27, 2011
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I just realized I said that confusingly and for that I'm sorry. What I meant when I said "carrier unlocked" was an AT&T phone that had been SIM unlocked. I got those terms mixed up. But if this is the same thing, I'm sorry. I just don't wanna get stuck with an unupgradable device. Thank you for the quick reply.


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Jan 30, 2011
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I just realized I said that confusingly and for that I'm sorry. What I meant when I said "carrier unlocked" was an AT&T phone that had been SIM unlocked. I got those terms mixed up. But if this is the same thing, I'm sorry. I just don't wanna get stuck with an unupgradable device. Thank you for the quick reply.
Carrier unlocked and SIM unlocked are the same, both mean an unsubsidized device. Regardless of that though, this isn't Android, it doesn't matter what device you have, you will be receiving updates.


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Jan 30, 2011
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Ah, thanks for the clarification!
No problem! Although knowing for a fact that my HD7 will be updated to Mango makes it very difficult to wait for it lol but I honestly feel the best thing to do for any budget minded person would be to keep their 1st wave device and enjoy mango with it while prospecting wave 2 of devices especially Nokia because since their focus is purely Windows Phone they will likely have superior devices, just as Stephen Elop stated in an interview, and not to mention any "perks" they may have. Nokia has stated that they want to have releases every couple of months (one of the higher ups said every 3 months) so anybody waiting until perhaps spring/summer of 2012 for an early contractual upgrade will have enjoyed Mango anyways while really being able to select from a broader range of devices a couple of months down the line.

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