Mango, People Tile & Samsung Now.


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Sep 19, 2011
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First of all hello everybody! I've been browsing the site for months now but finally decided to join the party! I also just recently picked up a Samsung Focus so I'm excited & enjoying everyday with my baby!! :) Now for a few questions.

Yesterday I took the plunge & installed the RTM on my Focus & noticed a slight difference with my 'People Tile'. On NoDo the tile would display all of my Facebook friends EVEN if I had them hidden in the contact list. Now, I have Twitter & Facebook logged in but the tile is only showing those contacts if I have those contacts displayed in the actual list. Kind of confusing & it's not that big of a deal, but was just wondering if anybody else has noticed this.

Also, I can't download the Samsung Now app at all. I can download any other Samsung app just not that one. It says "This might be because your phone software needs to be updated, the app is exclusive to a different mobile provider, or the app is not available in your region." This also isn't a big deal, just pointing out the little things.

OTHERWISE... Mango, well Windows Phone 7 is AMAZING! Coming from WebOS, I feel right at home! I've had them all, but this OS just amazes me every single time I pick up the phone!
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Dec 16, 2010
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hey!! first off, welcome to the family :) and the GREATES Mobile community :) hehe and Proud of iT!!!!

as for the people title , im not sure :p

for the NOW app.... it should ALREADY be installed on your phone ( check ur apps ) ... but then again you installed Mango and it might not be compatible with MANGO yet!. if i where you i would revert back to NODO cause the real mango is just around the corner ( your going to need to revert one way or an other.. )

PS did you notice NEWBY status ?? click on the greens square under the THANKS. if your new ..

* Washi.Brando is an Idiot**

LOL that’s not very nice!!


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Sep 19, 2011
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thanks for the welcome!

yes I know it comes installed but, I uninstalled it. I never used it to begin with, so just decided to give it the cut. Like I said it's not a big deal at all, just read that there was a Mango update for it so decided to give it a go. oh well.

& yes I will be reverting back as soon as we get the word on the date! backup saved in a secure place, all ready to go!


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Dec 16, 2010
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thanks for the welcome!

yes I know it comes installed but, I uninstalled it. I never used it to begin with, so just decided to give it the cut. Like I said it's not a big deal at all, just read that there was a Mango update for it so decided to give it a go. oh well.

& yes I will be reverting back as soon as we get the word on the date! backup saved in a secure place, all ready to go!

hehe ,,, you could also try a hard reset it might give you back the NOW app.. :)


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Jan 9, 2011
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Welcome along to WPC washi.brandon. The Samsung NOW app was removed a couple of weeks ago from the marketplace if i remember correctly.

I'm sure it will be back soon, the Mango version is excellent.

Only problem was the weather on the live tile wouldn't update until you entered the app.

Perhaps they are still fixing it.


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Sep 19, 2011
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Welcome I came from webOS as well. I am still a webOS developer but needed a new phone and couldn't wait for them to release one. I would like to put Mango on my device too - :)


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Dec 15, 2007
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Welcome washi.brandon to wpcentral. We are all glad you are here with us. We are all looking forward to mango soon unless we already are lucky enough to have it!


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Sep 1, 2006
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I was also getting the same message about the NOW app the past few days. However, today it finally presented the option to upgrade/install without any more problems. Give it a shot again.


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May 17, 2011
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I was experiencing the same problem. If I went to the market it would show "update" yet it would also say that it is not compatible with my device. Now version 2.5 shows up and does allow for an update w/out the incompatibility warning.
Problem is it still eats up my battery. Clean install, even removed old version on Now. Between midnight and about 5AM this morning it went through 40% of my battery. I just don't get it. I haven't seen anyone else report the battery issue. Updated with 2.1(twice), 2.2, 2.3 and 2.5 and they all just kill my battery life. At least it updates the weather reliably. (btw, Focus 1.3 on Mango rtm)
El Mono


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Dec 15, 2007
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Thanks el mono70 for info on battery life and samsung now. I had found it in the marketplace and throught it looked interesting and then went vack several days later and it was gone.

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