Quote: Windows Phone is Superior; Why Hasn?t it Taken Off?


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Nov 19, 2011
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Given I'm joining his thread when it's already 10 pages long, somebody may have already said this, but the fundamental reason WP hasn't taken off is education. People think it's windows mobile, or have no idea it exists. Most people aren't in tech forums and don't read tech blogs. People that have iPhones or android phones and like them WILL NOT SWITCH. The market MS needs to go after is 1st time smartphone buyers. The way they get that market, is by getting reps to push it. I speak from personal experience, as the HD7 I'm posting this from is my first smartphone, and I learned about it from a rep. I wanted an iPhone until I tried typing on one, and just knew I wanted either a physical keyboard or a bigger screen. He sold me based on the Xbox Live and social network integration, and the fact that the OS just works. He knew about mango upcoming (it wasn't out yet) and that was a selling point as well. End result, I became a diehard. If MS throws in the towel I'll end up back on a feature phone, because I've tried android and IOS, and they aren't for me.


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Games run off GPU, not CPU. The only thing you can't do with single core that you can do with dual core is record 1080p video, and the camera tech isn't there anyway on phones yet for it to look good on full HD display. It really is a non-issue other than for spec-whores.

Well then get a better gpu. Dual core will still help though.


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Nov 19, 2011
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How exactly? They are running old snap dragons.The current gpu in mango phones wont cut it for the real graphic intensive games.

Several new devices are running "old" chips because they are powerful and still work. The Adreno 205 that many of the new mango handsets use is a great GPU. It does great with all the current games and there's no reason to believe it will struggle with future mobile titles anytime soon. My 1st Gen HD7 with the Adreno 200 runs Fruit Ninja smoother than my wife's iPhone, btw. (maybe not the most intense example, but the only game we both have)


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Several new devices are running "old" chips because they are powerful and still work. The Adreno 205 that many of the new mango handsets use is a great GPU. It does great with all the current games and there's no reason to believe it will struggle with future mobile titles anytime soon. My 1st Gen HD7 with the Adreno 200 runs Fruit Ninja smoother than my wife's iPhone, btw. (maybe not the most intense example, but the only game we both have)

is it the 4s? Because that is the first iphone that they really up'd the gpu to focus on gaming.


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Oct 8, 2011
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More people insist on buying something by looking at the specs sheet, and apparently ONLY at the specs sheet. That's why.

That system works wonders to Android phones (with all their multi-cores and LTE's and HD displays); to some extent the iPhone.

On Windows Phone, it is the one thing that is killing its potential marketshare and potential user base.

When they want to buy a new phone, they first refer to the specs sheet, either from word of mouth or written sources (like wpcentral).

They see an Android phone, with LTE and 720p HD display, and they think, "Oh, look! Nice specs! Let's buy this!"

They see the iPhone, with 8mp optics, dual core, 500k apps, and they think, "Oh, look! Nice specs! Many apps! Let's get this!"

They see a Windows Phone, with a single-core processor, WVGA resolution, 720p HD video maximum, 50k apps repertoire, and they think, "EWW! SINGLE CORE! THAT'S SNAIL PACE, MAN!", "EWW! ONLY 50K APPS!", "EWW! WINDOWS! IT'S SLOW AND LAGGY!" (This argument is forgiveable if you are used a Mac from the get-go, but hypocritical if you use Windows 7.)

Windows Phone is the only true mobile OS with potential to make a significant change in the Mobile OS world. But until we get a device that when you line up with the specs sheets of Androids and the iPhone you can say, "Hey! Look at this Windows Phone! Nice specs! Let's buy this thing!", we may probably never realize that potential, but that's just me.

Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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Knowledge of the OS and the confusion with WinMo is the issue in my humble opinion. I would say about 50% of the people I show my device to get an odd look on there face and say "windows mobile?" I spend the next 10 minutes or so explaining the difference. Microsoft and there partners need to push an education campaign to show this OS and its potential. The majority of people buying a phone I'm not talking about us phone lovers I'm talking high school kid or off the street business person most are looking for a good device with a good price. Most will do little research they will ask there techy friends what to buy and will walk in to the store with something in mind when they get there. The percentages say they will be looking for Android or IOs because that is what they know and are hearing about. Its Microsoft and the phone makers responsibility to get the word out. A strong device selection is essential i think Microsoft has been waiting for a better lineup to emerge before pushing the platform and now that Nokia is ready i think we will see a big push to get these phones out the door.


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Knowledge of the OS and the confusion with WinMo is the issue in my humble opinion. I would say about 50% of the people I show my device to get an odd look on there face and say "windows mobile?" I spend the next 10 minutes or so explaining the difference. Microsoft and there partners need to push an education campaign to show this OS and its potential. The majority of people buying a phone I'm not talking about us phone lovers I'm talking high school kid or off the street business person most are looking for a good device with a good price. Most will do little research they will ask there techy friends what to buy and will walk in to the store with something in mind when they get there. The percentages say they will be looking for Android or IOs because that is what they know and are hearing about. Its Microsoft and the phone makers responsibility to get the word out. A strong device selection is essential i think Microsoft has been waiting for a better lineup to emerge before pushing the platform and now that Nokia is ready i think we will see a big push to get these phones out the door.

Just think how all of that would have been solved if they just called it LiveOS. :)

Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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Not really....LiveOS still sounds crap

That's a rude statement to make. If you don't like his idea that's okay but you don't have to call in crap. I always try to think before I post I think to myself is this really necessary. If it's not don't post it. I think there is little chance that Microsoft is going to change the name of the OS but it's a fun idea to toss around. LiveOS would be a good name so would HotOS but I doubt we will ever see a name change. Now lets get back on topic.


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That's a rude statement to make. If you don't like his idea that's okay but you don't have to call in crap. I always try to think before I post I think to myself is this really necessary. If it's not don't post it. I think there is little chance that Microsoft is going to change the name of the OS but it's a fun idea to toss around. LiveOS would be a good name so would HotOS but I doubt we will ever see a name change. Now lets get back on topic.

How about DaveBlakeOS?


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Jan 9, 2011
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BearOS (BrightEasyAestheticallyRightOS) :D

Dave would charge too much for the use of that name, but i wouldn't charge at all Winning Guy. :D


That's a rude statement to make. If you don't like his idea that's okay but you don't have to call in crap. I always try to think before I post I think to myself is this really necessary. If it's not don't post it. I think there is little chance that Microsoft is going to change the name of the OS but it's a fun idea to toss around. LiveOS would be a good name so would HotOS but I doubt we will ever see a name change. Now lets get back on topic.

Not really, we've been through this all before lol

Windows phone is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

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