Earlier versions of Windows Phone not getting the newer Apps


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Mar 16, 2013
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Re: temple run is wp8 only??reallY?

omg pplz STOP blaming MS about Temple Run, they are NOT the game dev!
you all should complain to Imangi, the developer of all Temple Run games! go ask them to fix bugs and make a 512Mb compatible version...MS has nothing to do with the game and its development, so stop complaining and blaming them!


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Mar 15, 2013
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The thing is, this neglect of my WP 7.8 device will force my hand to upgrade my handset, but due to the way I'll be forced to upgrade, I'll probably steer clear of Windows Phone and disassociate myself from that forever.

And who is neglecting you? 3rd party devs? Complain to them


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Oct 30, 2012
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i take back everything i said...just played chaos rings:D....and its awesome and for now atleast its wp7 only:D:D...DONT CARE ABOUT TEMPLE RUN ANYMORE


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Mar 2, 2013
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Re: temple run is wp8 only??reallY?

And what effort do you want them to make? They are the one who made the os. They don't make 3rd party apps.
MSFTs first party support has been a total joke. why should a third party support us? MSFT couldnt give us Turn by Turn nav, ability to monitor data usage, or the ability to edit our APN settings. I cant even change my tile colors on an individual basis, or turn off the pictures from my skydrive.

The Titan2 and the Lumia900 were barely a year old before they before they became unsupportable, ancient technology. After the iphone5 came out, most new apps worked with the iphone4. Why? Because devs dont have to make two apps to support the iphone4 and iphone5.

Microsoft has the money and resources to give us an update to make our phones compatible with Win8 applications. They could have even upgraded us to WP8. But doing so "wasn't necessarily the most efficient use of resource" -Greg Sullivan.... In essence, it was more cost effective for them to abandon their entire base of WP7.x users.

If anyone is considering an upgrade to a WP8 device because the WP7.X lacks support, I would say "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"
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Jan 9, 2013
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It's pointless to even think on these lines. Have you never used any other smartphone before? All technology that advances leaves older tech behind. On iPhone, on Android and on my plasma TV - not all features/apps are available. Why would you even expect to get the latest and the greatest on your old hardware? If you want latest and the greatest the simplest option is change the hardware. Not all apps are you claim on iPhone and Android will run on older version. Try and grab a ZTE Blade and see if you can run most of their Gingerbread or Ice cream sandwich apps and games - you won't be able to.

To call Temple Run, Asphalt and Spider Man latest and greatest is comical dont you think?


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Mar 15, 2013
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Re: temple run is wp8 only??reallY?

Microsoft has the money and resources to give us an update to make our phones compatible with Win8 applications. They could have even upgraded us to WP8. But doing so "wasn't necessarily the most efficient use of resource" -Greg Sullivan.... In essence, it was more cost effective for them to abandon their entire base of WP7.x users.

MSFTs first party support has been a total joke. why should a third party support us? MSFT couldnt give us Turn by Turn nav, ability to monitor data usage, or the ability to edit our APN settings. I cant even change my tile colors on an individual basis, or turn off the pictures from my skydrive. The Titan2 and the Lumia 900 were less than a year old before they became unsupportable, ancient technology.

I liked my Titan2, and its OS, but without support... I had to put it back in the box. If anyone is considering an upgrade to a WP8 device because the WP7.X lacks support, I would say "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"

MS is one side of story. OEMs are the different side of coin. You don't see android devices getting updates for the new OS either. As a OEM I won't spend resources to update my older devices. Do you see Nokia, HTC, Samsung, LG spending time to redo their drivers and do tests with new firmware?

MS money and resources are one thing. The OEMs interests are another thing. No one sais that turn by turn should be provided by MS. There are 3rd party turn by turn. Yes they cost additional money but I don't see that to bee a problem. Anyone could do turn by turn on wp7 like you would do on a 3gs iphone device. There is no interest from 3rd party devs. Titan2 and Lumia 900 were designed long before the OS become a dead end. They hit the market when they were dead devices. OEMs knew this but they did not want to declare the product dead so they pushed it to customers anyway. This was OEM policy and if you want to blame someone blame the device manufacturers. They knew that the OS will not be updated to 8.0.

My Samsung galaxy S1 is 2.2 but I can put custom rom with the latest OS so who is to blame? Am I to be furious that an old devices is no longer supported? It's old and no one told me that I will be able to run latest OS on it.


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Jan 9, 2013
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They are the latest and greatest on wp ecosystem. No one said they are latest and greatest in the world

That wasn't my point.

My point is, none of those games are very demanding on resources, they shouldn't be at least and we've seem them run on lesser hardware.


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Mar 15, 2013
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That wasn't my point.

My point is, none of those games are very demanding on resources, they shouldn't be at least and we've seem them run on lesser hardware.

You will. When they would have a chance to test it on lower hardware. It's a hit to their image to make a version that support lower hardware when they can't test appropriately. Especially TR that is making use of fermium model. Apps are not made just for the sake of making them. They must be financial viable. And this imply testing and prioritizing the devices. But you won't see new wp8 games to lower wp7 devices just because of app barrier.


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Mar 2, 2013
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Re: temple run is wp8 only??reallY?

MS is one side of story. OEMs are the different side of coin. You don't see android devices getting updates for the new OS either. As a OEM I won't spend resources to update my older devices. Do you see Nokia, HTC, Samsung, LG spending time to redo their drivers and do tests with new firmware?

MS money and resources are one thing. The OEMs interests are another thing. No one sais that turn by turn should be provided by MS. There are 3rd party turn by turn. Yes they cost additional money but I don't see that to bee a problem. Anyone could do turn by turn on wp7 like you would do on a 3gs iphone device. There is no interest from 3rd party devs. Titan2 and Lumia 900 were designed long before the OS become a dead end. They hit the market when they were dead devices. OEMs knew this but they did not want to declare the product dead so they pushed it to customers anyway. This was OEM policy and if you want to blame someone blame the device manufacturers. They knew that the OS will not be updated to 8.0.

My Samsung galaxy S1 is 2.2 but I can put custom rom with the latest OS so who is to blame? Am I to be furious that an old devices is no longer supported? It's old and no one told me that I will be able to run latest OS on it.
in the case of Android, Who cares what the OEM does! Google provides a path to upgrade your device. My Nook Color is running Android 4.0. My Xperia ION is running 4.0. My Ipad1 has some form of iOS 5 on it.

Microsoft didnt provide us any path at all. They didnt even give the OEMs a chance to upgrade us to WP8. They made their "new OS" incompatible with the "old OS", and in doing so, they made sure we wouldnt get new apps without developers going out of their way to provide support for the small and shrinking WP7.X base.

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