Softcard (ISIS Wallet)... When?!?!?!


New member
May 4, 2012
So when are we going to get Softcard (old ISIS Wallet) on Windows Phone?

I have the secure SIM from T-Mobile in my L810, but still haven't gotten the tap-n-pay to work anywhere. With the possibility of Apple announcing their tap-n-pay with NFC soon, I already have been hearing people go gaga over the possibility. But I've seen Android phones do it at work with our tap-n-pay reader at work.

The last time I looked into the tap-n-pay for WP, it was that we were waiting for an app from the ISIS folks. Has anyone heard of any updates?
T-MoUS told me the Advanced (AKA Isis) SIM would enable Tap-to-Pay through my native wallet. Just tried it today for the first time and it was a fail.

However, they may have had wrong info. The SIM may only enable Isis (now Softcard)... IDK. Info is so sketchy here in the US as people are resistant to change at the corporate level and have put too many roadblocks in place.
I am looking for the same info. According to the info on Wallet online, all you would need to do is put in your CC, enable tap-to-pay in the NFC Settings and also have a Payment SIM. If those 3 things are all set, you should be good to go. But I cannot find anyone who has been able to get it work yet
The Walgreen where I tried has repeatedly stated most users fail to get a payment made with their Smartphone. I have to assume that means Android/Google Wallet.
Soon... For the past two years. Some people on reddit said that having the secure SIM, enabling NFC, and enabling payments in their phone worked fine. When I went to a Verizon store to figure out why it wasn't working, the confused reps said they had installed the ISIS app on a Lumia Icon just a week ago and couldn't figure out why there wasn't one available for my 822. So yeah, we can only hope that the new iPhone will convince carriers/Microsoft to fix NFC payments.
Isis... now Softcard... said they were working on a Windows Phone App to be released back in late 2013. Now there is no word of it. I'm to the point where I will get rid of my Windows Phone and move to Apple. I bought my Windows Phone (lumia 1020) because it was NFC enabled and I was told I could use the Wallet feature to pay for things. What a lie!!! I waited patiently for Softcard. I'm done. I can easily change phones. If the I-phone will allow NFC payments I'll go that way and the ATT, Verizon, T-Mobile JV cluster mess Softcard (formerly known as a terrorist organization) can go out of business.
well, blame the carriers and softcard. softcard was agreed upon by AT&T, Sprint and Verizon, thus why on quite a few of their android devices, google wallet was disabled. Softcard, via twitter, have been saying "REAL SOON" for about 6 months now.... Even worse, is that softcard doesn't work with all banks, like google wallet does, so on top of a secure sim, we still need something that plugs into the wallet app to allow this to happen.
I'm on AT&T with the "secure SIM", Wells Fargo is my bank and I couldn't get a GS3 on KitKat to work with ISIS. If I couldn't make it work with all the right components, I'm not going to get my boxers in a bunch because there's no WP app yet. Chances are it won't work right when it does come out and you'll see people blaming it on WP like they do everything else.
The US banking and business establishments are (justifiably?) lawyer shy. They feel that if they aren't "in control" from a-z some consumer is going to institute a class action suit against them if the tap-to-pay double bills, over bills, alows a minor use without parental consent, etc.

This is a US problem, from what I understand. Now there are a bunch of standards out there and which one to follow to a successful transaction is beyond most users.
The US banking and business establishments are (justifiably?) lawyer shy. They feel that if they aren't "in control" from a-z some consumer is going to institute a class action suit against them if the tap-to-pay double bills, over bills, alows a minor use without parental consent, etc.

This is a US problem, from what I understand. Now there are a bunch of standards out there and which one to follow to a successful transaction is beyond most users.

You could argue that a credit card could get stolen or taken by a kid and used inappropriately or criminally. At least a smartphone can be remotely disabled to avoid further misuse. Let's face it, a missing phone is easier to notice than a credit card in a wallet.
I actually worked for over a year at a call center fielding reports from card holders with a major bank who needed to report fraud.

Sad how many times it was a family member, friend, lover... And the long term abuse of the card that would go on.

Even worse, the people in denial. Yep, you live in a town of under 10,000. Your card gets used only in your town, without a missed pin attempt; used for fast food, Walmart and $20-$60 withdrawls from an ATM. Always after 1 AM and never later than 4 AM. Right you are, that is a counterfeit card being used by someone you don't know. It could not possibly be one of your 3 teenage boys because they just wouldn't...

​P.S.: I hated that job due to what I heard from people. Makes you miserable.
I don't see many places around Little Rock that accept ISIS. With the lack of acceptance, I assume they are not going to bother with the windows app. I think Apple may end up writing an app to use Apple's payment system on Windows Phone.
Well, Softcard really botched this one... I remember last year about this time hoping to see NFC payments on my L920, here we are a year later and still unable to make NFC payments. This would have been a golden opportunity for WP to have a feature before Apple, and sell some damn phones in America, and yet the iPhone 6 releases this Friday with support out of the box. I think I'll be leaving windows phone for a Note Edge... Don't promise me a feature and then not follow through, this should have been something that MS helped them develop and push out in a timely manner. I purchased this phone after being shafted by WP7, with hopes of making NFC payments and having an awesome camera. The camera is now dated and NFC payments never came. Samsung cameras are on par or better than what the L930, L1520, Icon have to offer and they support NFC payments. WP continues to be a day late and a dollar short. Love the interface, love cortana, love the snappiness, the sophistication of the OS, love the build quality of the phones, but I hate being told I'm going to get a feature and never get it.
I've been a huge supporter of WP, I have 3 friends using WP on my recommendation(who all love them), yet here I am ready to leave the platform for just one feature that I was promised. I have an upgrade burning a hole in my pocket, hopefully WP will have a new flagship before the Note Edge comes out, that way I at least have something else to consider.
About 6 months to a year after the iPhone system is ubiquitous to all locations. Then Microsoft will get their butts in gear and fix the issues that they have, and get 2 retailers to support it.
I have a L928 running 8.1DP all I had to do was get an nfc enabled sim from VZW, and boom! NFC payments via my wallet. ��

Can you elaborate on this? I assume you mean a secure-element SIM from Verizon, since the 928 has NFC built in. You are using only the wallet app? Where did it work? Thanks.
I have a L928 running 8.1DP all I had to do was get an nfc enabled sim from VZW, and boom! NFC payments via my wallet. ��

Can you elaborate on this? I assume you mean a secure-element SIM from Verizon, since the 928 has NFC built in. You are using only the wallet app? Where did it work? Thanks.
Yes, PLEASE elaborate. I've had a secure SIM from T-Mobile in my L810 for almost a year now, and I keep trying to use NFC payments where I can and I haven't gotten it to work, yet.

My co-worker on a Samsung S(something) has been trying also, with minimal success also.
I have been using it successfully in my Android Phone. I have the Softcard Wallet on it and have used it to successfully pay at several vending machines as well as at Office Depot.

I wish I had this on my Windows Phone though. I got lucky and signed up for this when they were running some special here I signed up for the AmEx Serve card and was given $15.00 for applying for the card and $15.00 for my first card load (only added $5).

Overall, great program and deals if you keep your eye out for them. :D
Look at what you did OP, NSA will be all over these forums now because you used that 4 letter word
Soon... For the past two years. Some people on reddit said that having the secure SIM, enabling NFC, and enabling payments in their phone worked fine. When I went to a Verizon store to figure out why it wasn't working, the confused reps said they had installed the ISIS app on a Lumia Icon just a week ago and couldn't figure out why there wasn't one available for my 822. So yeah, we can only hope that the new iPhone will convince carriers/Microsoft to fix NFC payments.

How did they install the app??? ISIS (now Softcard) is not in the Windows Phone app store. If they were able to install it on an Icon, then it should work on any (or at least practically any) Windows Phone. Verizon was not the only carrier involved in Isis. AT&T and (I think) Sprint are also co-developers.

Edit: The three US carries that support Softcard are Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile.
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