Emoticon Trick


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Wasn't sure if this has been posted, I didn't find anything. But I know in iOS people can add emojis to the names of their contacts. I attempted to do this through editing a contact in the People Hub but we aren't given the option to use emoticons. So what I did was this: Go into a text message, select an emoticon, and then copy it. Go back into the People Hub and the contact you want the emoticon next to. Edit their contact info, next to their first or last name hit paste and there it is!

Attached is what it looks like. Apologies if you're unable to open it...I've never attached anything on the forum before.


  • wp_ss_20121122_0001.jpg
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Haha that's pretty cool! Attachments don't show up in the windows phone central app but it worked fine in the browser
I did this with my wife, and had trouble with speech recognition getting her name. I text and drive way too much for that not to work. The workaroud I came up with was to add a hyphen after last name, and put the emoticon after the hyphen - then the speech works. Thanks for the tip.
Not really part of the topic but are the windows phone 7 emoticons not compatible with windows phone 8 anymore? Those hidden ones like (xx) or the (boo). Tried sending a message with them the other day but no luck :( I really liked those lol

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