Should Microsoft make the 950/950XL available early to Insiders?


Oct 6, 2015
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wait--I thought that was already their business model, for many many years now.

Release it early to everyone, before it's finished. Make everyone help you develop it that final 10%. Charge full rate for the privilege.

I have nothing nice to say to you :eck:


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Apr 23, 2012
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if they must identify a few in each country rather than selecting insiders from one country or just a few countries.
this would make all features tested well enough leaving no right for some to be left our.
For example FM Radio is now obsolete for some yet in other countries its a must feature


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Nov 12, 2012
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I voted no for this one.

1) Basing this outcome on an ambiguous two word response does seem overly optimistic
2) The Microsoft store has enough problems without adding another layer of complexity
3) When happens when people join the insider program purely as a reason to get a cheap/early device?
4) What happens when these early adopters run into problems that affect their day-to-day usage?

I think the key issue is number 3 - Dan (or someone) will write an article describing how to join the Insider program and get an early/cheap 950XL, and the end result will be that this program will simply be used as a discount code by people, subsequently resulting in little to no value for the Insider program at all.


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Nov 3, 2011
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I think it would be fine as a rewards program for insiders who submitted a lot of useful feedback, as long as it comes late in the development cycle (where we are at now for W10M).
I don't see it as being useful to MS at all.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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Did you get an invite? I did. :)
Btw, yeah.
For developers it's a good idea.
For those Insiders who have W10 only 'for free' purposes it would be bad...

To those who did get invites, what level of feedback and involvement did you give? I felt like I submitted a lot of feedback and upvotes, but wonder if there is anything I can do to improve my feedback and involvement to further help the existing program (and, selfishly, be eligible for special programs like this)? I included screenshots and detailed steps to reproduce issues just as I would for any bugs in apps that I develop for my work professionally.

What invite?


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Sep 16, 2015
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I think if you assisted in testing and developing you should get the device early and at cost!!
Not only for the hours of effort and expertise but if there are still glitches or bugs when they receive the device before the public who would be more informed on notifying MS of the issue.. Sure beats having 20 of us regular consumers coming here waving out arms in the air saying wtf, whining and complaining.. Would lead to a smoother release I would think..
I wish you guys had them now!!


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Feb 13, 2014
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As much as I want to say Yes with either discount or full price I think this will never happen for one major reason.

Hardware defects...Unfortunately, it's not as easy to resolve as a software issue via a patch or update or anything. It requires a recall in which it'll cost a lot of money to ship out the newer version of the phone. I can see some VERY limited people having prototypes, but they must have to 100% agree on paying for shipping and all that.


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Nov 5, 2015
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It takes 5 minutes to become an Insider, and it's free.

Insiders? No
Developers that have submitted to the Windows App store? Yes


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Mar 26, 2015
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If MS decides to make a group for hardware or so called "Windows Insider for Hardware(s)":
Firstly, make that device available to a local MS store. Then select a group of people randomly(preferably 5-10) and contact them via e-mail or Windows Central site. Secondly, everyone in the group must be able to highlight their viewpoints and make a checklist of which feature should be included or excluded.
Next is to pick up a guy or gal or a child who will be test driving the device for limited time and highlight their viewpoints with pros & cons.
If checklist items or inputs given by guy or gal or child matches with insider's checklist then those items require critical attention and finally a report is submitted to MS. UI/UX feedback would be given by windows insider.


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Jun 29, 2011
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It would be nice if they went like:

Developers: 40% Off
Insiders: 25% Off
Windows Central Users, but not those trolls that have no business being on a Windows fan site: 15% Off


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Sep 2, 2014
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It's likely available to those with the best feedback scores and legitimate feedback, not crying. Those that did all the quests and many other things. And of course I am willing to bet it's for U.S. users only.


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Sep 2, 2014
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It would be nice if they went like:

Developers: 40% Off
Insiders: 25% Off
Windows Central Users, but not those trolls that have no business being on a Windows fan site: 15% Off

The insiders chose to install windows 10, they didn't have to. The privilege was being able to see software cycle development of their OS. There shouldn't be any price decreases because anyone joined. Maybe a free dock with a purchase at most, or first dibs on pre-orders.

Allen Rhodes

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Feb 9, 2014
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WOW, this is just.... wow. NO. Keep in mind that 90% of the "insiders" arent even developers. This is just another example of "im special" and further evidence that the Insider program needs to be closed to the general public until 60days prior to release. Why in the heck would MS make available a phone early to people who have signed ZERO documents and will likely place their phone on ebay. WOW.

rafal soboczynski

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Apr 21, 2014
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I have previously tweeted @GabeAul my idea that Insiders should be able to get the new devices NOW, with whatever preview build is currently available. I mentioned it again today in a reply to him where he mentioned that he uses a 950XL for Continuum. He replied "Interesting idea" and a tweetstorm of mentions and favorites followed.

Should Microsoft take the next logical step in the Insider program, and open it up so Insiders can test the new hardware before it's generally available? What do you think?

pointless, because people would abuse that system. for example if i was insider and get 10-20% of the device i would order it month or so before final software, then just wait for final update and opt out from dev preview, just an example of what people can could do, (i am actually insider since 166 build, but only on phone).


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Dec 4, 2012
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No because people don't know how to act when they get pre-released stuff for testing purposes in order to provide feedback.

It will only result in more bashing of Microsoft.

Look at the insider program for windows 10. All people do is make threads and ***** and moan and complain. Do you not know you are privileged to be getting the software before RTM?
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Richard Culverhouse

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Apr 14, 2014
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No because people don't know how to act when they get re-released stuff for testing purposes in order to provide feedback.

It will only result in more bashing of Microsoft.

Look at the insider program for windows 10. All people do is make threads and ***** and moan and complain. Do you not know you are privileged to be getting the software before RTM?

I agree 100 percent.

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