Trying to Convert a friend from Android to 950xl


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Nov 30, 2015
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Enjoy your Windows phone experience while you have it :wink:

Nobody knows what the future is going to be...High End Smartphones are becoming less important to Manufacturers because they are becoming saturated in the marketplace. ANY Manufacturer that is worthy of future existence, better be looking at the next big thing (whatever that is).

Plus, Windows has just signed a patent deal with a Large Chinese manufacturer, so we may see the the next big High End Windows Phone manufactured in China for less money and a huge potential market, yielding more attention to the phone market segment.

If you ask me, Windows is gearing up for next season (retooling the OS) - as it were, Windows WAS a dying breed (along with a lot of dead, and dying breeds out there) - but with a whole new OS, they have as good a chance (maybe better) to be the next Phoenix rising as anyone else.

It's the OS, and what it will provide.

Michael Dontigney

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I really loved my 1520. It's still a great phone. I like it better than the Nexus 6P that I'm not using. I left purely for the app gap. You aren't going to be able to make that up with windows phone in the current climate. Honestly I'd have stuck with Windows phone if they'd have worked with Google apps better. The lack of Google app integration (not Microsoft's fault) and the app gap really cripples the phone. I still keep my 1520 around and even pop my sim in it and drive it around because I like it so much. It's a shame that the apps just aren't there.

Funny you should post this... I was a Note 2 user for two years and went to the 1520... after nearly two years I decided to go back to Android and got the 6P about 3 months ago... Some things I found really annoying about it. I made two videos explaining them. The second video i made today explaining why I'm selling my 6P and why I switched back to the Nokia 1520.
And this one from today:


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Feb 21, 2013
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W10/W10M native Maps app has Offline Maps integrated at OS level, Worldwide.

myTube! is much better than official YT apps on other platforms (UI, performance and smoothness, features, download and background/lockscreen capabilities etc).

I never used the native map/Nokia Drive because it wouldn't tell me the side of the road that my destination was on, which was too annoying. I used a different app that did not have the map integrated at the OS level. I'm really not sure why that matters. Its not like Cortana can work without the internet anyway. The Google maps lets you download even a small location. In some ways it is worse than just downloading a state, but I really only travel in a single city on my daily activities, so that is all the space I need to waste on maps.

MyTube is great, but being able to rotate the phone to portrait and scroll the suggested videos is a better solution than putting the video in the background. Same thing with the small video in the corner. Performance and smoothness are no different. I'm not sure what features other than downloading videos without using a different app is the only feature I'm aware of (and I really never used it). Chromecast is built in. Background playing works with Red (which you get for free if you subscribe to Google Play Music). I'm not sure what lockscreen capabilities you are referring to. The notifications let you pause and play and next videos from the lockscreen or any other for that matter. If downloading videos without using a separate app is super important, then Windows Phone has apps that do that. I haven't looked for one on Android because the Youtube app is sufficient for my needs.

Windows Phone has features that are unique, but these just aren't them.


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Jan 26, 2013
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It isn't available for all Windows Mobile devices. You probably have a Lumia 950 or 950 XL.

That's not a limitation, it's a new feature that is not supported on older devices.
Calling that a limitation is not intellectually honest.


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Dec 2, 2015
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How can I try the insider softwares? and if it is not working is there any chance to go back to the original?

maybe a link would be useful :)


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Nov 30, 2015
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How can I try the insider softwares? and if it is not working is there any chance to go back to the original?

maybe a link would be useful :)

Settings > Update and security > Windows Insider Program > Choose your insider Level > "your option": Fast / Slow (Fast is pretty good right now for the 950XL; and your 950XL is now a backup:):):)

If I remember correctly, you will be emailed a confirmation, or a welcome, or something. and your phone will go through a restart.

After Restart;

Setting > Update and security > Phone Update > Check for updates

Will download and install (should anyway) the insider ring you choose (fast or slow).


- will probably take a while (couple builds back it took hours, for me)
- also: if the screen gets stuck on the Windows (logo) splash screen, during the reboot process; be patient and give it a least an hour, if it does not proceed to the next "we are working on it, it will be worth the wait" (or something like that) screen, than do a soft reset to push it along. some insiders (myself included) had to do multiple soft resets and point. BUT, the last one was smooth as silk, so it my not be a problem for you.

Regarding going back to the Production Level, or Threshold, that CAN be done, I have never gone back or done a hard reset, but there are a lot of posts with good step-by-step instuctions (also on the Web)...just do a search, and find a detailed account of how to, you shouldn't have a problem.

Good Luck if you pull the trigger":^)


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Settings > Update and security > Windows Insider Program > Choose your insider Level > "your option": Fast / Slow (Fast is pretty good right now for the 950XL; and your 950XL is now a backup:):):)

---I dont find this :((( for me there is no such possibility


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Dec 2, 2015
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zimilaci, FYI: I just did an update search; and my phone is NOW (as I type) updating to 10.1.14361.0 (Fast Ring).

Alright alright, I got the app and so on :) thanks for the help, and sorry for Flooding the original post :)

As for the initial thought on HTC (or any other android devices) .....Going back to Android left me a "space" inside me....something is missing, I don't know what at the moment, but I will find out :)


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Nov 30, 2015
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Alright alright, I got the app and so on :) thanks for the help, and sorry for Flooding the original post :)

As for the initial thought on HTC (or any other android devices) .....Going back to Android left me a "space" inside me....something is missing, I don't know what at the moment, but I will find out :)

now you have your choice of cake:) happy eating!


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Feb 21, 2013
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That's not a limitation, it's a new feature that is not supported on older devices.
Calling that a limitation is not intellectually honest.

"Even continuum has limited availability in W10m."

I think misquoting me for the sake of an argument is more intellectually dishonest. In fairness, I actually think your mistake was an honest one. Continuum is also not supported on the 650 or 550, unless I am wrong. Same with any other low end phone from all the third party OEMs.


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Jan 26, 2013
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I won't argue with you about it not being available on all devices.
That should be a given. It's a new technology.

I will apologize for using the term Intellectually Dishonest, as it probably was an honest mistake.

Calling it "limited availability" is the incorrect part of the statement.

Limited Availability means something IS available, but not to all regions or in great quantities.
Not because a previous version of something existing doesn't get it.
Nor is it based on new versions of things that don't get it.
That Does Not constitute Limited Availability.

And it;s a very negative connotation to an already struggling eco system that is far superior than
the ancient Flip phone innovation of Android and iPhone eco system.

everyone wanted a flip phone when they hit the market. it was all the rage you know.

It's not just semantics, it's an incorrect statement.

Not Supported and Limited Availability are 2 completely different things. And they mean completely different things.

Sorry if it sounds like I am trying to start a flame war,, but it drives me nuts...
It's a term that a know-nothing techno-jurno would use to trash WP and keep the masses lock step with crappy ancient tech.


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Jun 9, 2016
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I'm a convert to Windows coming from an iPhone and Android and I love the 640 Lumia. I was in the fast track to Windows 10, but it didn't work well on the phone. Apps would close and the phone would get too hot. I switched back to 8.1 where it's more stable. I would never go back to any other operating system and once the kinks are out of Windows 10, I'll get another phone, with a bit more ram. While I did have windows 10, I did love the look of the new outlook app, Microsoft edge and loved the transparent tiles.

Darren Vitarana

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IMHO phone is great (i have one), first party apps such as edge, mail etc are really nice... (i prefer edge to chrome on the nexus 6p).

3rd party apps are mostly crap. linkedin is useless, facebook has some issues, and other 3rd party apps are either missing or woefully inadequate. there are some gems like the ones created by rudy huyn but otherwise there's a lot missing, which is what i'm finding now that my wife has a nexus 6p (she was a long time windows phone/mobile user).

if your friend likes apps, don't be mean to him and lead him to a wasteland of an app store that you'd find in windows mobile 10!


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Windows 10 is SUCH a moving target for 3rd party Dev. it is a little premature to judge their performance (or Windows 10, for that matter). I believe there are some VERY talented 3rd party Developers that are just waiting for Windows 10 to settle down so they can show their capabilities. I mean, a developer that creates a great app in Windows 10 is going to be more recognized for it, than if they created an equally good app, in an app saturated environment. From a marketing of your talent perspective, the stage is pretty much wide open with W10. Again, any Dev with a little gray matter is probably waiting for the RTM version of W10. IMO

As far as your friend is concerned, I think @charktorious (above) gave the best advise.

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