Help Me Not Suck at Titanfall


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May 21, 2013
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I played the Titanfall beta on Xbox One quite a bit. I had a blast, but I also got frustrated a lot because, well, I suck. Now, technically I'm fairly new to the online FPS genre and I'm hoping some of you veteran players can give me some tips on how not to suck. I usually hover around the bottom of the attrition point leaderboards: only getting a few pilot kills or titan kills per game. I've tried various strategies, from 1) staying back and trying to snipe from afar, 2) being aggressive and running around, 3) focusing on just attacking titans, etc. But I always get killed and when I see the replay of how I got killed, it doesn't really make sense to me: it seems that the person who killed me was just doing what I was doing but just got 'lucky' in the sense that they turned a corner and there I was with my back to them (I know it wasn't luck, though, that's why I'm asking your advice). If I try sniping, I get picked off. If I try running around, when I encounter someone else they always seem to kill me before I can even get a shot off.

Even in instances where I have an advantage (maybe I have a split-second of surprise on them), I start firing and they start firing immediately thereafter and they always seem to kill me before I can kill them, even if we're using the same weapon. Is my aiming accuracy just that bad? Do I have to adjust the look sensitivity or something? Because I'm getting a little tired of dying in firefights where I easily should've won (like I start firing, he starts firing, he runs out of ammo and has to reload, and still somehow kills me before I kill him: it's like his gun is more accurate and more powerful). I get that many of these people have been playing FPS games for like a decade, but I find it hard to believe that they're that much better than me that, in situations where we're even or I have a slight advantage, I still die 9 times out of 10. Help!


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Sep 9, 2013
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You may not be using all of your resources as well as more seasoned players. There is a lot of strategy. For example you have tactical abilities like cloaking that can be awesome if you use them right. Knowledge of maps also helps. Using your mini map is also important, but ultimately you probably need more practice with aiming and quick reflexes. Just keep trying. The beta probably attracted more hardcore players than the final release will.


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Jan 31, 2012
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If I find I am having a bad round of attrition, I'll slap on a kit with minion hunter and farm those minions. Don't get too down, just keep finding a way to contribute. I generally don't engage a titan on foot unless it is pre-occupied with another titan. I also don't rodeo as much anymore since people have clocked on at how effective electric smoke is at preventing it. I find most ground engagements are close range, so I mostly use the SMG or Shotgun. Always keep moving and strafing, making yourself as hard a target as possible. And don't forget about that super kick ;)


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Sep 23, 2011
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If you don't camp, help your teammates out, do what your told, pay attention, and don't do stupid things, you'll do fine, trust me. I don't like the shotgun, so I just use the carbine. I never use my secondary weapons, but I use my ordnance and anti-titan weapon. It's fine that you were on the bottom of the leaderboards, as it was just a beta. ;)


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Jan 26, 2012
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Sometimes it looks like they're doing what you were doing, but some are better at it. It comes down to reflex, knowledge, awareness, movement and accuracy.

1) Reflex: This is straightforward, who can react the quickest, not really sure how to help you improve this, but you can offset this by Playing smart, utilizing your awareness, movement and knowledge of maps. The smarter play can usually always win.

2) Knowledge: This is Knowledge of the weapons, abilities, maps and the other players. Be aware of what weapons they use, and how they play. Be familiar with the map and only stay around places you feel comfortable. Know what abilities and burn cards to use (prosthetic legs at start to get to a viable position). Know the map, your weapon, and your opponent in order to stay ahead.

3) Awareness: Be aware of your surroundings, sounds, AI Chatter, teammates, and the minimap. The Surroundings can tell you a lot about the game (smoke from grenades, direction of bullets) so its good to stay aware. Sounds and AI chatter are unquestionably beneficial. They can tell you if the enemy is closing in or if a Pilot is nearby. Grenade, bullet ricochets, and other sounds also help aide in where the action is at, and can help you find an escape route to slide into a prime position.

4) Movement: This is one of the biggest factors in this game. With all the Wall Run, and Double Jumps the maps are both very easy and very complex to navigate. The average joe player can maneuver obviously, but more seasoned players can navigate to a greater degree. Movement doesn't only mean jumps and trick jumps. It also means know how to stay in a key position. The Camo ability can greatly help in helping control these positions, but ultimately the key spots will be decided by the gameplay currently developing in each game. Stay alive, stay surrounded by teammates and keep moving to avoid being spotted.

5) Accuracy: Aim for the chest and let the recoil slide up. Best way IMO. Low Sensitivity for me but I know players with 15.2 K/D that's play on highest.

I'm a seasoned player when it comes to Halo games. I'm not sure how CoD players play, but this is just MY tips. (Halo CE LAN; Halo 2 LAN & GB; Halo 3 2yr. Meadowlands; Halo 4 GB)


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Oct 2, 2012
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As someone that had never played FPS games on a console before Titanfall, I managed to get some pretty good scores, but all the way to the last round of beta played I still sucked at aiming and would quite often lose the "equal firefight" when both are taken by surprise and start shooting around the same time.

So I know you can score good even without that good of an aim (cos I did :D) but I can't really say how. I guess you need to learn to read the situations some. That said, I got quite a bit of kills in a Titan typically, but it's not always a good time to attack a titan as a pilot.. :p

But sometimes I have rounds where I die just like you all the time.. people just happen to turn a corner and see me back facing to them. I do think it's bad luck too, but sometimes it just happens more than usual. It helps if you know and have an idea where the enemy is spawning at and where they are likely to be running. At the same time parkouring as much as possible not only gives you more speed, but makes you much harder to hit so if somebody does get a drop on you, you often have a chance to still fire back or get to safety unless they are really good shots.


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Dec 16, 2010
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Just remember too - this was a beta and there were only a FEW options at our disposal to make a soldier tailored to our game preferences. In the final game, there will be more tactical abilities besides cloak and stim (a lot more). In the beta, I found the stim perk to be a lot more valuable then cloak. Mostly because it was designed to get away from close engagements quickly and heal you at the same time.

Flagz makes a lot of great points, and the benefit of Titanfall is it kind of turns the FPS genre on its side in how players operate. One of my friends is a die-hard COD player (usually the top of every game with loads of kills) - I stink at COD (thought I've had my fair share of 'good' rounds), but in Titanfall - I was destroying him. Mostly because he still tried to play the game as if it was COD, I played it like (I think) it was supposed to be played. Not staying in the same spot, using the parkour running to its fullest, not staying on the ground for any real length of time as a pilot.

One of my favorite things to do as a pilot was take out Titans. That archer weapon is awesome. Combined with one of the 'perks' it can be deadly to those who think that pilots can't do a lot of damage.

My biggest advice - which is really just an emphasis on what Flagz wrote is MOVE MOVE MOVE! Do not stay in the same spot for very long. Learn the 'choke' points of maps where players usually converge and be ready to shoot at those moments... But mostly - practice and have fun.

Titanfall was one of the few games that I wanted to get better at - I wanted to play more. COD I can't stand at times. BF4 is a lot of fun mostly because there are so many OTHER things to do besides shoot shoot shoot. Titanfall (for me at least) is a slight middle ground between those two. Though, obviously leaning more towards the COD side...

Also - in the attrition game type, don't be afraid to take out grunts and spectres. That's 1 or 2 attrition points there (I believe a pilot kill is 4). If you're able to take out 20 grunts/spectres you're contributing a lot to your team - you really are! Plus because they're so 'stupid' at times you practice aiming and other techniques on them that you can use to take down pilots...


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May 3, 2011
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Will this game have a single player mode. I usually get my feet wet in single player before heading into an online game. I was just like coip during the beta. This might be a good game to get the strategy guide, because reading the advice makes me realize how useless the tutorial was.


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Oct 2, 2012
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The game won't have a single player mode. There will be a campaign of a sort, but even that is online multiplayer. Basically the same maps but with some added narrative and more in the spirit of co-op I've understood.

I sort of used the beta as a mean to learn to play FPS on a controller and to learn the game in general :p I obviously can't claim I'd now be good with FPS games on a controller, but at least I managed to learn it a bit :p


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Oct 6, 2012
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Same here, looked like a noob when trying to play, but don't forget the smart match feature of the One should help people to play with similarly skilled gamers. I.e. you should not be put in front of hardcore gamers in the final version ;-)
Anyway, not sure I'll buy it. The lack of a real single player campaign is a deal breaker for me, as I'm a casual player... Hope they'll change this, would be great as the gameplay rocks.
And many people around me hope the same...


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Oct 2, 2012
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Same here, looked like a noob when trying to play, but don't forget the smart match feature of the One should help people to play with similarly skilled gamers. I.e. you should not be put in front of hardcore gamers in the final version ;-)
Anyway, not sure I'll buy it. The lack of a real single player campaign is a deal breaker for me, as I'm a casual player... Hope they'll change this, would be great as the gameplay rocks.
And many people around me hope the same...

I don't know why being casual would stop you. You would probably play a SP campaign through in one or two sittings anyways (cos they're never that long or even good in FPS games, short from like.. Halo). I think Titanfall is great MP game for a casual gamer too, when the average match takes 10-15 mins or so and is often so action packed that after a few rounds I often took a short break. And that 30 mins might be my average session as a fairly casual gamer myself, it's hard to get more than that uninterrupted gametime as a family man :p


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Nov 12, 2012
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Hopefully something works.

For me, I just suck. I've been playing console FPS games for 6 years. I still normally finish last or second to last. It causes me great frustration and heartache yet I keep going back for more. I'm sure anyone who encounters me in a game must think it's my first time picking up a game controller. My only hope is that the Xbox One's smart matchmaking system really works and can match me with other players of similar skill level.

Good luck.


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Jan 26, 2012
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Hopefully something works.

For me, I just suck. I've been playing console FPS games for 6 years. I still normally finish last or second to last. It causes me great frustration and heartache yet I keep going back for more. I'm sure anyone who encounters me in a game must think it's my first time picking up a game controller. My only hope is that the Xbox One's smart matchmaking system really works and can match me with other players of similar skill level.

Good luck.
This is a good point. It isn't fun losing that bad every game, and it isn't fun not having a good match either.


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Dec 30, 2010
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I know this is late, but also consider thinking vertical.

I'm not great at the game, but it did help me when I would make more use of wall running and getting up on things. Many newbie players aren't looking up, so you have a chance against them.

Also, there's that one auto-aim gun. I forgot what it's called. It's a pistol. If your reflexes are bad, but you do find yourself getting the jump on people or getting a superior position over them often, you might want to consider it. It takes a second or two to lock in, but once it's locked it only takes on trigger pull to kill.


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Dec 30, 2010
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This is the number one Windows Phone site.

Numero uno.

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That's still a small percentage of XBOX gamers. Our secret is safe for as long as WP market share is low.

...and when it rises, it will be too late and we'll have already dominated all the Titnfall leaderboards (if there are any).

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