The official 2016 Jez Game Awards

Jez Corden

Staff member
Jan 29, 2013
So, I thought the VGAs were lameeeeeeee, so I'm doing my own game award show.

It will have such awesome categories as "Best industry beard," "best implement of death (video game weaponry)," and "best video game pet."

Obviously it wouldn't be a great video game awards without gamer's input... so I'm asking, what other categories should a great video game award ceremony have?
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best couch co-op game, most badass game character and cutest game character ..... i'll come back when i have some new ideas :)
Like the Oscars, you should have a set of technical awards too... With categories like.

1. Outstanding achievement in delivering complete game content outside of DLC.
2. Outstanding achievement in pre-launch game testing and releasing a playable game on day 1.
3. Best use of achievements in game.
So, I thought the VGAs sucked, so I'm doing my own game award show.

It will have such awesome categories as "Best industry beard," "best implement of death (video game weaponry)," and "best video game pet."

Obviously it wouldn't be a great video game awards without gamer's input... so I'm asking, what other categories should a great video game award ceremony have?

Most interesting achievement name?
I vote for the two above, Most Frustrating and Best Glitch.

Then maybe,
  • Most frustrating controls
  • Most innovative gameplay
  • Best soundtrack
  • Most annoying character

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